Many literary devices were available to him in the Hebrew literary tradition: personifications, metaphors, similes, word plays, alliterations, songs, and satires. Isaiah captures the imagination with the use of various images. His sentences flow one into the other. Everything is tightly knit together. The imagery demonstrates that Isaiah knew the world in which he lived, (Elwell 1989: CDROM).
The book contains a multitude of different literary types, often woven together in a highly artistic and rhetorically effective manner. An example of the more common form is the judgement speeches. (Where the prophet accuses the nations of wrongdoing and announces it’s coming doom). The book contains prophetic messages, mostly in poetic form characterised by parallelism of thought and vivid imagery, and biographical material about Isaiah, (Holman, 1992:378).
The theme of Isaiah’s prophecy may be summarised as follows: God’s ideal for His covenant people Israel will indeed be realised but only after His judgement purifies the covenant community of those who rebel against His authority, (Holman, 1992:378).
Isaiah takes us beyond his days to the new heavens and the new earth. The prophecy spans the preexilic, exilic, and postexilic eras, the coming of the Messiah, the messianic age, the church, and the final consummation. The book unfolds God’s plan for the redemption of his people. The name Isaiah variously translated as “salvation is of the Lord,” or “salvation of Yahweh,” and even “Yahweh is salvation,” unfolds the purpose of the book. The message of the gospel is found throughout the prophecy, and as a matter of fact the prophet concludes with it.
“As the new heavens and the new earth that I make will endure before me,” declares the Lord, “so will your name and descendants endure. From one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, all mankind will come and bow down before me,” says the Lord, (Isaiah 66:22–23).
Salvation is not to be limited to Israel only, for Isaiah as the “evangelical” prophet speaks also to Gentiles, (Elwell 1989: CDROM).
Isaiah’s message came at a time when Israel had prosperity, of which produced excessive drinking, idolatry, oppression of the poor, greed and the presence of false prophets who pandered to the desires of the people. Isaiah stressed, (1) salvation by faith (7:9; 28:16; 30:15), (2) the holiness of God and the need for ethical living (6:1-8; 37:23), (3) the offense of human sin and the certainty of divine judgement (chs. 1-35), and (4) the assurance of redemption for a repentant remnant (1:9, 19; 10:19-22; 46:3, 4; 65:8-10). The basic theme being contained in Isaiah’s name “Salvation is of the Lord”. The word salvation appears 27 times in the book, (Nelson, 1996:207).
Hope for a Righteous King, of the four kings he knew only one consistently served and lived in the ways of the Lord. Hope for atoning saviour, redemption and recovery are the antidote to human brokenness and loss, honest souls need, and most long for, the confidence of an adequate saviour, (Hayford,1995:171). Jesus Christ is portrayed as this saviour. In the first part of the book, Isaiah pictured Israel, in the last part of the book; the prophet beheld Jesus bearing our load of sin, (Mears, 1998:352).
Discussion; A distinction between the righteous and the wicked will certainly be made (1:27–31). The future belongs to the remnant, which repents by doing righteousness, but judgment will make an end of rebels and idolaters. The people as a whole are compared to the effects of a drought in which the leaves of an oak fall off and the garden is burned up (v. 30). However, the oak still stands and the garden is still there. Hard times may come upon the godly, but they will persevere. On the other hand, the wicked will be utterly consumed as by fire. (Elwell 1989: CDROM).
The structure of Isaiah has an interesting coincidence. Isaiah is a miniature bible in structure. This book has 66 chapters just like the bible has 66 books. It has two great divisions, with 39 chapters in the first and 27 chapters in the rest, just like the Old and New Testaments. The content also is remarkably similar, eg. The book ends with the vision of the new heavens and the new earth, just as the book of Revelation ends the bible with a similar message, (Mears, 1998:227).
Outline of Isaiah;
I. Oracles of Judgement and Hope (1:1-12:6)
1. Judah Condemned (1:1-5:30)
2. Isaiah’s Call and Commission (6:1-13)
3. The Book of Immanuel (7:1-12:6)
II. Oracles Against the Nations (13:1-23:18)
- Against Babylon (13:1-14:23)
- Against Assyria (14:24-27)
- Against Philistia (14:28-32)
- Against Moab (15:1-16:14)
- Against Syria and Israel (17:1-14)
- Against Ethiopia (18:1-7)
- Against Egypt (19:1-25)
- Against Ethiopia and Egypt (20:1-6)
- Against Babylon (21:1-10)
- Against Edom (21:11-12)
- Against Arabia (21:13-17)
- Against Jerusalem (22:1-14)
- Against Shebna (22:15-25)
- Against Tyre (23:1-18)
III. Eschatological Summation (24:1-27:13)
1. Eschatological Judgements (24:1-23)
- Eschatological Triumphs (25:1-12)
- The Eschatological City (26:1-12)
- The Eschatological Israel (27:1-13)
IV. Jerusalem, Egypt and a Prophet in Between (28:1-33:24)
1. Woe to the Drunkards of Ephraim (28:1-29)
2. Woe to Ariel (29:1-24)
3. Woe to Those Who Seek a Pact with Egypt (30:1-33)
4. Woe to Those Who Rely on Egypt (31:1-32:20)
5. Woe to the Destroyer Not Destroyed (33:1-24)
V. Eschatological Summation (34:1-35:10)
- Summation of Judgement (34:1-17)
- Summation of Blessing (35:1-10)
VI. Historical Bridge (36:1-39:8)
- Hezekiah and Sennacherib (36:1-37:8)
- Hezekiah’s Illness and Recovery (38:1-22)
- Hezekiah’s Misplaced Joy over Postponed Judgement (39:1-8)
VII. Oracles of Consolation (40:1-66:24)
1. Release from Captivity (40:1-48:22)
2. The Servant of the Lord (49:1-57:21)
- Zion Restored (58:1-66:24)
(Bullock 1986:157)
The experience Isaiah had in Chapter 6:1, “I saw the Lord”, should be the experience each of us should seek. It led to;
Conviction – “Woe to me!… I am ruined!” (6:5)
Confession – “A man of unclean lips” (6:5)
Cleansing – “Your guilt is taken away and you sin atoned for.” (6:7)
Consecration – “Here am I send me!” (6:8)
Commission – Go, God’s command (see 6:9)
(Mears, 1998:231).
In Isaiah we see three personal lines of redemption, all appointed by the Lord: the prophet, Cyrus, and the Messiah. Isaiah became an icon of obedience in contrasts to Israel’s disobedience and as such the people levelled their insults, ultimately aimed against the Holy One of Israel, (30:9:11),
(Bullock 1986:156). As Christians, we are to expect similar resistance in our environment.
The prophecies that have come to fulfillment in Isaiah, provides teachings in the power and effectiveness in prophesy in edifying and building the Church.
Some of the prophecies that have been fulfilled include;
will be born of a virgin (Is. 7:14) was born of a virgin named Mary (Luke 1:26-31)
will be spat on and struck (Is. 50:6) was spat on and beaten (Matt 26:67)
will be buried in a rich mans tomb (Is. 53:9) was buried in the tomb of Joseph, a rich man from Arimathea (Matt 27:57-60; John 19:38-42)
(Nelson, 1996:212). From Genesis to Malachi, one list numbers 124 passages, having 35 of them
in Isaiah, each with a specific NT fulfillment. This method allowed the early Church Gentiles to take the message back to the Jews, (Holman, 1992:399).
The message here is salvation again linked to the meaning of the name Isaiah, but directing the focus to the center and meaning of salvation, Christ. Isaiah prophesied for all future ages, predicting both the first and second Advents of Christ. He brings a salvation for people and nations for all time, (Hayford, 1995:174).
Theological Truths
As a messenger of Israel and Judah’s covenant Lord, Isaiah warned that God’s people were about to be judged for breaking their covenant with Him. Though their punishment would be severe, God would ultimately judge the nations as well and re-establish His people in their land.
(Holman, 1992:379). Disobedience permeates from disbelief, “You do not believe me?” (7:9).
The same was spoken by Jesus (John 12:36). The issue for kingdom people is to believe and be established! Signs and wonders will appear because Jesus said they would. Take care to strengthen your kingdom influence through a believing lifestyle, (Hayford, 1995:175).
Two Encompassing Ideas;
Isaiah has given us encompassing ideas in the beginning of the book. Their condensed form is found in the two phrases “My people” and the “The Holy One of Israel” (1:3-4). The first term is the stamp of the Lord’s claim upon Israel, implying Israel’s covenant relationship to Him, whereas the second term emphasises Yahweh’s distinctiveness and sets Him apart from Israel. The covenant, a concept basic to prophetic theology, had the divine pronoun “My” as its vanguard. In that pronoun was contained election and providence. The phrase “The Holy One of Israel” marks the high and sublime God who stood above the nation and required justice and righteousness of His people, (Bullock 1986:155).
Discussion; The term “My people” is applied twenty two times to Israel and once to Israel. “The Holy One of Israel” occurs nineteen times as an epithet for Yahweh.
Distinctive Pentecostal Beliefs.
Steps to dynamic devotion; God wants his people to be fully devoted to Him. We cannot feign devotion: God knows our hearts and knows whether what we say has integrity. This is the best reason to pursue worship with a whole heart. We are to seek God’s face continually, expressing our wholehearted devotion to Him, (55:1-5). Hunger and thirst after the knowledge of the Lord,
(Hayford, 1995:88). Isaiah challenges Christians to hope in God, who is not through with creation. Old Testament Israel only partially realised God’s salvation and peace. God, who acted to save Christians in the past through the suffering servant Jesus, will act again to bring history to His desired end of a new heaven and a new earth, (Holman, 1992:257).
Discussion; As Christians we believe the day of redemption is closer since the coming of the Lord Jesus. Yet, along with the saints of the Old Testament, we must have a real sense of hope and longing for the fullness of redemption to which the prophet bears witness, (Elwell 1989: CDROM).
Key Phrase and Key Word Study.
The basic theme of this book sometimes called “the fifth gospel”, is found in Isaiah’s name: “Salvation is of the Lord”. Humanity has great need for salvation, and only God’s great provision will suffice. Key Verses in Isaiah are (9:6-7; 53:6), (Hayford, 1995:172), (Tyndale 1997:1341).
Salvation – Salvation, in no sense dependent on works. (Gal. 3:10), (Strongs 1999:539)
“But those who depend on the law to make them right with God are under His curse”. “law” does not have the Greek article here. When “law” lacks the Greek article, it no longer is a reference exclusively to the Mosaic law, but to law or rule as principle. Paul’s assertion applies to any requirement of obedience to “law” and “rule” to merit salvation, and in principle is not limited to Mosaic law,
(Smith 1992:1370).
Strongs reference # 4992
Greek = soterios; Hebrew = mattattah, pronounced mat-tat-taw’
Meaning = saving, bringing salvation, describes the grace of God, eg. Titus 2:11
(Vines 1999:325)
Provision – verb eg. Heb. 11:40. (Strongs 1999:497)
Strongs reference # 4265
Greek = problepo
Meaning = “to foresee”, is translated “having provided” (Vines 1999:294)
SALVATION of, to make – 2. To make a reckoning. Greek = logizomai
PROVISION, to (let) be – 2. To be freed, redeemed. Hebrew = padah
Example; “Zion shall be redeemed with judgement” (Isa 1:27)
Source; Analytical Concordance to the Bible by R. Young, see bibliography.
Personal Application.
The reading and further understanding of Isaiah has deepened my faith. The book is Holy Spirit inspired and is a representation and a pattern for the whole bible itself. This is incredible, but not so if you have a faith? This study has provided me with many tools for evangelism. All the prophesies that have come to fruition in the New Testament and those that are still to come.
When reading the start of chapter 6, my heart went out to Isaiah as I felt the conviction he did.
(6:5). I prayed to God and asked Him to touch my lips also with the burning coal to remove my guilt and forgive my sins. Two days latter as I was cleaning my teeth, I noticed that my top lip is covered with white dots under the skin. Later I was reading my bible and it popped into my head that I had asked God to touch my lips with the coal.
Alfred J. Andrea and James H. Overfield. 1994. The Human Record: Sources of Global History, (Boston; Houghton Mifflin Company,)
Bullock, C. Hassell. 1986. An Introduction to the Old Testament Prophetic Books. Chicago: Moody Press.
Christian Outreach Centre, School of Ministries. 1998. Study Guide - Introduction to the Old Testament and Ministry PC-100. Brisbane: Christian Outreach Centre.
Dockery, David S. ed., 1992. Holman Bible Handbook. Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers.
Elwell, Walter A. ed., Evangelical Commentary on the Bible, (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House Company) 1989 CDROM
Gaebelein F.E. 1988. The Expositors Bible, Missouri: Zondervan Bible Publishers
Hayford, Jack W. 1995. Hayford’s bible handbook. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Holy Bible, New King James Version.
Holy Spirit Encounter Bible, New Living Translation, Dictionary/Concordance 1997, Tyndale House Publishers.
Mears, Henrietta C. 1998. What the Bible is all About. NIV ed. California: Regal Books.
Nelson T. 1996. Nelson’s Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Smith, Jerome H. 1992. The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. Nashville: : Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Smith W. & Fields W. Bible Study Textbook Series, Old Testament History. Missouri: College Press.
Strong J.1999. The New Strongs Concise Concordance. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Strong J.1984. Greek Dictionary of the New Testament. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Strong J.1984. Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Vine, W.E. 1994. Vine’s Concise Dictionary of the Bible. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Young R. 1879. Analytical Concordance to the Bible. London: Lutterworth Press.
Zodhiates, Spiros Th.D. 1994. The Complete Word Study New Testament with Parallel Greek. KJV. Chattanooga: AMG Publishers.