Explain as clearly as you can Isaiah Berlin's distinction betweennegative liberty and positive liberty, giving examples of your own.

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Stephen Gladwell                PI – U9237358                TMA – 01

  1. Explain as clearly as you can Isaiah Berlin’s distinction between

      negative liberty and positive liberty, giving examples of your own.

Berlin gives three main distinctions between negative and positive liberty in this portion of his lecture as far as I can see.

He tells us that negative liberty is concerned mainly with an absence of outside interference in lives, and with the question “How far does government interfere with me?” (Arguments for Freedom, p.160). Positive liberty is concerned rather with the question  “Who governs me?” (Arguments for Freedom, p.160).

An example of this difference is found in the story of Ulysses and the Sirens. The Sirens had the power of charming all who heard them by their song, and mariners were impelled to cast themselves into the sea. Circe instructed Ulysses to block the seamen’s ears with wax so they would not hear the song, and then to have them bind him to the mast and instruct his seamen not to release him until they had passed the island. Theoretically, these actions were against all that is meant by negative liberty, they reduced the freedom of both Ulysses and the seamen. The same actions would be supported by theories of positive liberty since they were best for the long-term happiness of both Ulysses and his crew.

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Another distinction is that negative liberty is concerned not with what we do, but with what we can do. Berlin stated “Freedom is the opportunity to act, not

Stephen Gladwell                        PI – U9237358                        TMA – 01

action itself” (Ibid., p.xlii, as quoted in Arguments for Freedom, p.14). Positive liberty, on the other hand, is concerned not with what we can do but with what we have the capacity to do.

All children in England can go to university. But many children do not have the opportunity or capacity to do this. It is positive freedom that supports the ...

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