Expound and evaluate Descartes' argument that since I am imperfect I could not have within me the idea of a perfect being unless it were placed in my mind by God.

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Descartes' 'Trademark' proof of God's existence:

Expound and evaluate Descartes' argument that since I am imperfect I could not have within me the idea of a perfect being unless it were placed in my mind by God

Descartes' trademark argument deems to prove that the existence within us of an idea of God must have been put in our minds by God 'like the mark of the craftsman stamped on his work'. Descartes' argument is as follows: 1. I have an idea of a perfect being (this he calls God), 2. In every cause there must be at least as much reality in the effect as in the cause, 3. I am imperfect, 4. Given that I am imperfect (3), I cannot be responsible for the idea of perfection that I hold (1), 5. Therefore, given that every cause must be at least as great as its effect (2), whatever caused my idea of perfection (1) must be perfect. Therefore a perfect being exists and this is God who created me. This proof in Descartes' Third Meditation starts from Descartes' idea of God in a cosmological way instead of ontological as in his Fifth Meditation, since it treats the 'idea' as an effect that can be explained only by a divine cause. Like Aquinas, Descartes' thinks it is possible to prove the existence of God from a consideration of God's creatures, but whereas Aquinas starts from the visible world, Descartes must base his proof only on his own mind and his ideas.

Descartes uses doubt to answer his questions. He thinks 1. Things don't look the way they are 2. We could be asleep and dreaming, and 3. There could be a demon deceiver. He feels that even if he is wrong about things he is still here and even if there is a demon or he is in a dream he is still thinking therefore he is here. He answers this with his 'I think, therefore I am', using 'I am doubting, therefore I am'. This doubt can be explained in another way. Imagine you are all alone and isolated, not sure of anything, you could be asleep or awake unsure if there is a world around you. All you are able to do is make an inventory of ideas in your consciousness. One idea Descartes believes would be there is God and perfection. At this stage, we don't know how it got to be in our minds however, Descartes believes God put it there as his 'trademark'. If he created you, he may have put the idea of himself in your mind. The lecturer used an analogy of Hitchcock's films and the idea of putting himself as a character in them - a sort of 'trademark'. When Descartes arrived at the conclusion, I think, therefore I am, it was not a completely new idea which he invented. In fact we see a parallel statement used by St. Augustine in De Trinitate '....Perhaps you are asleep, and do not know it .....Nor can the academic again say, in confutation of this knowledge: perhaps you are mad, and do not know it......but he who is made is alive. Therefore he, who says he knows he is alive, can neither be deceived nor lie. Let a thousand kinds, then, of deceitful objects of sight be presented to him who says, I know I am alive; yet he will fear none of them for he who is deceived yet is alive'. Descartes has also convinced himself that the evil daemon cannot tell him God doesn't exist, 'Is there not a God, or whatever I may call him, who puts into me the thoughts I am now having?... Does it now follow that I too do not exist? No: if I convinced myself of something then I certainly existed. ... let him deceive me as much as he can, he will never bring it about that I am nothing so long as I think that I am something'.
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We can look at the idea of the 'Causal Reality Principle' where 'there must be at least as much reality in the cause as in the effect of that cause'. We can see for there to be an order there has to be a first orderer, for causation a first cause and for a movement a prime mover. How we link this to God is to say that to have an idea of God there is only one possible cause for this idea and that is God himself - he placed the idea in our minds. It is ...

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