For the past four months, 5,000 lightly armed Chechen warriors fighting on flat, open land and have held off 160,000 Russian troops with heavy guns, helicopters, thousands of tanks and armored vehicles.

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        For the past four months, 5,000 lightly armed Chechen warriors fighting on flat, open land and have held off 160,000 Russian troops with heavy guns, helicopters, thousands of tanks and armored vehicles.  Gun shots coming from left and right, bombs dropping from the sky and screams of terror that can be heard for miles and miles.  These sounds have become unpleasant music to Chechen’s ears.  Chechens are fighting the Russians in a brutal war in order to gain their independence.  However, the Russians insist that it’s not a war, but an “anti-terrorist operation.”  Every day more and more countless deaths, wounding of soldiers and beatings of civilians occur.  The Russians are acting out in a hypocritical manner, and should not control Chechnya.  Chechnya deserves to be an independent country.

        Chechens have been fighting the Russians, with short breaks, for the past 300 years.  For example, in 1944 on the suspicion that was largely ill founded, that locals were collaborating wit the Nazis, Stalin had almost the entire population of what was then Chechnya-Ingushetia deported to central Asia.  Chechens have never accepted Russian rule and have often rebelled against the Russian Empire.  For two years, from 1994 to 1996, the Chechens fought the Russian army.  The results consisted of over one hundred thousand deaths, destroyed cities and villages and huge financial losses-and it’s far from over.  In August of 1996 a cease-fire was signed.  Yet, the province became independent in fact, if not legally.  By conquering Chechnya, Russian wants to crush once and for all a secessionist dreams that any other regions may have.  Another reason Russia is fighting is because they see it as a quick victory that will ensure that Prime Minister Vladimir Putin becomes Russia’s next President.  These are not reasons to viciously murder innocent people.  If Russians were to vote for the next president right now, Vladimir Putin would win by a landslide.  Chechens are fighting for their independence out of honor and safety, while Russians just look at Chechnya as a quick victory, as if thousands of deaths are some sort of trophy.  There is no excuse for them to treat other humans the way that they are.  If Chechens were to be an independent country, it would be most beneficial to the civilians and everyone around them.  

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        During the war from 1994 to 1996 an estimated 4,000 Russian soldiers were killed as well as about 100,000 residents of Chechnya, which is ¼ of Chechnya’s current population, many of them ethnic Russians.  Russians are killing their own kind.  Given the chance it’s hard to say that they wouldn’t finish off the remainder of the civilians. They are not setting a good example of what the world is longing to be like.  The current war has produced more than 200,000 refugees and thousands of civilian causalities.  With that large amount of deaths and injuries, Russia must be in denial ...

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