Great Apes on the brink of extinction.

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Great Apes on the brink of extinction.

Gorillas, chimpanzees and orang-utans could be extinct in as little as 50 years, United Nations Delegates warned this week.  At a crisis meeting held at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisations (UNESCO) headquarters in Paris, leaders appealed for $25 million (£15m) to begin an immediate ape conservation programme.  Representatives from 23 African and Asian states met with scientific experts from the Great Apes Survival Project (GRASP) to develop a Global Great Ape Conservation Strategy.

“$25 million is the bare minimum we need,” stressed Klaus Toepfer, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Executive Director.  “The clock is standing at one minute to midnight for the great apes.  They share more than 96 percent of their DNA with humans; if we lose any of the great ape species, we would be destroying a bridge to our own origins and with it a part of our humanity.”

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The UN first became concerned about the diminishing number of apes in 2001 and founded GRASP to raise awareness and attempt to impede the growing problem.  Since then, research has revealed that great ape populations in Africa have decreased dramatically as a direct result of various human activities.  Civil war, poaching and human disease have all had an effect on the decline in their population.

In addition, a recent increase in logging is destroying the ape’s natural habitat, whilst the human presence in the jungles is increasing the risk of infectious diseases “jumping” between apes and humans.  Chimpanzees and ...

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