How strong a leader was Kaiser Wilhelm II.

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How strong a leader was Kaiser Wilhelm II

By Ali Gosling

Kaiser Wilhelm’s leadership over Germany during the period of 1890 to 1917 was one of controversy and debate. He did many things for Germany that created a stronger country; he had the biggest army and a growing navy, which made Germany one of Europe’s biggest military threats.  However, he also did many things that have cast a shadow over his reign, none more so than having the blame placed upon him for starting the First World War with the creation of Weltpolitik, showing aggression, and creating an alliance system that separated Europe.

Many questions were raised over the Kaisers mental stability throughout his reign in government. At became disabled at birth, which left him with a withered arm, something that he spent the rest of his life trying to disguise and cover up. This was a huge embarrassment for him as it made him look weak and feeble. He often wore extravagant military uniform to change how he was seen and show his strength, he had a very large pointed moustache to show his superiority and commanding nature. Having liberalism spoon fed into him from an early age caused him to blame his mother for his withered arm and rebel against her liberal ideas. The result is that we see Germany turning away from liberal ideas during his reign. It is thought that the Kaisers disability was one of the reasons he was so focused and obsessed with creating a powerful military. If he had a strong army and navy, then he could prove his power to people, he became Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces during the . He did this to hide the fact that he was actually physically weak. He surrounded himself with military advisors, indeed he only saw his Chancellor once weekly, though the Chief of the Military cabinet met with the Kaiser three times weekly. This led to policies such as naval expansion, which invoked the ill will of Britain and showed the intentions of the Kaiser.

It was not only physical problems the Kaiser was faced with. Many people questioned his psychological integrity too. This was proved in 1908 he suffered from a nervous breakdown. After this, he decided to play a less dominant role in German government for the next few years. However he continued to support German imperialism and backed when he suggested building a navy to match the , something that created aggression and competition between the two countries, and later (with the introduction of the alliance system) the whole of Europe. One of the reasons the Kaiser was so focused on military expansion was because of his driving ambition to make Germany into leading world power.

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Germany started to build more battleships. Copying British technology, the country started becoming more and more powerful. This looked very good for the Kaiser because he created a stronger country, but it became worrying for Britain as Germany began to catch up with their naval superiority, so they also started to build more battleships, and this is what created the “naval race”. Even though Britain was well ahead in the Naval Race, it was worried that it could not fund many more of these ships to be built and that Germany would continue to build more of these battleships and ...

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