Is human nature egoistic or altruistic?

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Is human nature egoistic or altruistic?

“A large part of altruism, even when it is perfectly honest, is grounded upon the fact that it is uncomfortable to have unhappy people about one”

Henry Louis Mencken

Every time we want to speak about ethics and morality in general, the discussion about whether human nature is egoistic or altruistic cannot be omitted. I am going to look at both sides’ arguments to see whether any of those can play a key role to understanding the human nature and motives. Firstly however, we have to mention what egoism and altruism is and why it is so important for further discussion.

What we consider as egoism is acting in the way that the only one who benefits from this is the one doing this. There are however some differences between philosophers’ way of understanding this term. Hobbes (1962) for example defines it as a kind of the earliest human nature, which we later abandon by willingly accepting the social contract. The other two attitudes differ from each other by whether egoism is or is not morally wrong. The first one is presented to us by Fromm (1957), who defines egoism as something contrary to self-love (and love in general). He even says it is a way to self-destruction, because it is an opposition to fulfilling our human needs. He is speaking about ethical egoism of course. He denies that maximizing self-interest is morally right. The egoism without moral judgment is presented by Henry Sidgwick (1901). He argues that it is rational to be egoistic, because if any moral rule is to be worthy of accepting, it should be accordant to our mind. What is altruism then? It is commonly recognized as an opposition to egoism. It involves behaving in the way that brings others some advantages while the behaving person gets none or even suffers from some negative effects of such an act. Here, we can also distinguish altruism with and without a moral judgment. The first one is considered to be a virtue in most of the cultures and is commonly thought as something towards what we should aim at. It is also propagated by most of the biggest religions as a way we should live our lives.

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What are the arguments for the theory that human nature is strictly egoistic? We can say that it is very easy to explain all the human behaviours by arguing that one is acting in such a way because of its welfare. Even the most altruistic behaviours can be interpreted as caring about self. For example, we can say about the person saving drowning kid that they did this because they would not be able to live with the guilt that they did not rescue it. We can argue that they surely were not thinking about that when running towards the ...

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