Islamic Fundamentalism, In this report I will discuss whether Islamic fundamentalism is a modern political ideology or not.

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Islamic Fundamentalism Name:                  Amrit Sahtoe                                                                                                              Student Number: 4242624                                                                                                                Date:                    03/08/2012                                                                                                                           Teacher:              Dr. Alex Kazamias In this report I will discuss whether Islamic fundamentalism is a modern political ideology or not. I will do that firstly by trying to explain what Islamic fundamentalism actually really is. It is a term that is hard to explain. Secondly, I will discuss about modern political ideologies, I will give my view about modern political ideologies, how I think about it and what do I expect if we talk about modern political ideology. Thirdly, I will talk about political fundamental ideology. I have looked up some traditional people or groups. I will talk about their view on how they see our society or how they want to see our society. I will show some of their ideas, and that is why I think that Islamic fundamentalism is not a modern political ideology. Fourthly, I will discuss about modern Islamic thinkers, how they want to change our society and. Finally, I will end up with a conclusion, what I have found out after I read all of this and if changed my mind about if Islamic fundamentalism is a modern political ideology. These days Islamic fundamentalism is associated with Muslims, who has a radical interpretation of the Quran and the Hadith. The hadith are Islamic traditions about the doings and sayings of Muhammad, captured in large collections. The Muslim fundamentalists see the traditional texts literally as the fundaments of their religion. Definitions may vary about fundamentalism, because it can be classify as a deemed problematic for the people who believe and suggested that the Islamic belief oblige that all Muslims are fundamentalists. For others the term Islamic fundamentalism can be used to describe comprehend trends within the Islam. Islamic fundamentalists want to have the Sharia, the Islamic legislation, above the secular law/legislation. There is also a small minority group within the Islamic fundamentalists who want to put their word into action, by doing terroristic attacks to give power to their opinion. The word fundamentalism is originally a Christian word and is from the early beginning of the twentieth century. In Arabic it is called “usuliyya”. You will find fundamentalists in every religion. A fundamentalist is not capable to give dissenters the freedom for their own way of thinking and living. There is only one way of thinking, living and believing and that is way of the fundamentalist and that is the right way. It does not matter if it is neither the good nor the bad way of walking the aisle. To be honest, Islamic fundamentalism is not the right word to use for this phenomenon, the word that is used is, political Islam, it is a more common term today.                                                Within the Islamic Fundamentalism there is another form of extreme fundamentalism that is called ‘wahhabism’. The founder of ‘wahhabism’ was the first modern Islamic fundamentalist and extremists, Mohammed Ibn Abdel Wahhab. He wanted to go back to the pure Islam, like it was when their prophet Mohammed lived. To know if the Islam is a modern political ideology, it is important to define first what modern is. Everybody has an own opinion about what modern is, and that is why I first want to define my way/view of a modern political ideology. According to Bassam Tibi, “Islam is a faith as well as a cultural commitment” (Jstore/Tibi Bassam, 1986). The term ideology is a modern term, because it was used during the enlightenment in the 18th century. So, you can say that the modern political ideology of the Islam is modern, it can also be a mix of modern and tradition, or is it a traditional ideology with a modern twist in in?                                 If I think about a modern political ideology, I think about Europe, I think about democracy, I think about freedom. An ideology means a change in a society or a country. Besides, if there is a modern ideology, then there will be a separation between state and religion. In other words, there should be a different legislation other than a holy book, for example the Quran, the Sharia or the Bible. To illustrate let us take Saudi-Arabia, it is a country that lies in the Middle East and Asia, with two important holy sites for the Muslim population. Saudi Arabia has no religious freedom, the state religion is the Islam. The Saudis are seen as supporters of the Wahhabism. In Saudi Arabia there are no churches, because it is dominated by the flow of the Islam and they have forbidden it. The last priest was expelled in 1985 (Vatican-Saudi talks on churches,, 2008). To compare the religious freedom with the Netherlands, there you can see are a lot of religions living together, living in harmony without any problems. They are allowed to have their own church, mosque, temple or synagogue. That is how I see a modern political ideology. Everybody is free, can have their own religion, can think about everything by themselves, are not indoctrinated by the government or by religious people, state and religion are separated and there is a government with different parties in it. The citizens are living in a democracy and are allowed to have an own opinion and to vote on their own party, during elections. The Muslim Brotherhood is one of the biggest Islamist movements. The Muslim Brotherhood has, according to me, a political fundamental ideology. To start with their motto: “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an
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is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope” (“Homepage” Muslim Brotherhood Movement, 2004). Firstly to explain what Jihad means for a lot of people, it means  “Holy war” and also the struggle to defend the Islam (with force if mandatory), because that is something the media learn us, but Jihad actually means more than holy war. It also means the struggle to build up a good Muslim society (BBC Religions Jihad, 2009). The slogan of the Muslim Brotherhood is: "Islam is the solution", if your motto and slogan is already so ...

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