Knowing what ethics is and what makes up the study of ethics centers around understanding ethical behavior. There are nine major theories have been created to explain ethics and to determine whether a decision is ethical or not

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          First of all, what is ? Ethics is a branch of philosophy which seeks to address questions about morality; concept of examining morals which about what is right and wrong, moral and immoral. Ethics means that we are doing ethical which is in line with the accepted moral code and is proper. Everyone knows being ethical is very important and easy to see why ethics are important; it is also easy to see its problems. The major problem is that is hard to determine what is ethical or what is morally right.

          Actually, ‘’ is not an easy word to define. Almost everyone wants to live in an  life, but knowing what that means is not as simple as it sounds! This means ethical dilemma. In certain situations, there are two contrasting ideas that may seem ethical, but it is hard to determine which actually the right action is. This is where things get trickier. After all, who or what determines what is moral or ethical? Does public policy determine what is ethical?For example, is it right to tell the truth when someone asks you if they look fat or if their bad tasting dinner is delicious? The ethical dilemma there: which is more ethical, lying or being unkind? Another ethical dilemma become more complex: for example, is it right to steal from the rich to give to the poor? Is it right to fight wars in the name of a good cause, even if innocent people are injured? The answers to these ethical questions depend on your definition of ethics!

          Besides that, people from different cultural backgrounds and different situations may have different moral perceptions. Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to what is ethical or to what ethical behavior is. Many use religion or use the law to give guidance as to ethical behavior. Ultimately, ethical is a relative term not easily defined.

          Knowing what ethics is and what makes up the study of ethics centers around understanding ethical behavior. There are nine major theories have been created to explain ethics and to determine whether a decision is ethical or not which are situational ethics, c ethics, value ethics, utilitarian ethics,moralistic ethics,ethical realism, ethical hierarchies,principle and moral development.

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          In addition, there are two different aspects of ethics which are normative and descriptive. The category of descriptive ethics is simply involves describing how people behave and what sorts of moral standards they claim to follow while the category of normative ethics involves creating or evaluating moral standards. Thus, it is an attempt to figure out what people should do or whether their current moral behavior is reasonable. From here, we can conclude that normative require moral judgement while descriptive does not require moral judgement.



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