Holocaust Essay

Explain why the Nazis Implemented the Final Solution

The Nazis implemented the Final Solution because this method was so far the most efficient method in quickly wiping out the Jews. Other methods did not progress well, nor was it efficient in the extermination of Jews. Due to these inefficient methods, the Nazis developed many phases such as the Einsatzgruppen mass shooting and the gas vans. However, many problems aroused, which lead to abandoning these methods.

During Hitler’s reign, Nazi anti Semitism was so far the first method. This meant that the Jews were slowly deprived as normal German Citizens, thus prejudice and hostility gradually progressed. This was achieved by taking the rights of the Jews, and to convince the German people that this was necessary, Hitler himself gave a speech to the German Citizens about his beliefs. His goal was to get rid of the Jews from the Aryan race. He was however successful in creating the “Unlikeness of men” observations despite the crude evidence which suggested that Jews constituted as a race not religion, that Jews were the corruptors of the pure blood race, that compared with Jews Aryans are contrasted as genetically, physically and mentally superior regarding to Jews. This was supported using the popularized Social Darwinism theory.

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The Nazis first action was to isolate the Jews from the Aryans, believing that isolation would be the best course of stopping the Jews from plaguing the Non – Jewish Germans. The ghettos were set up because it was a temporary solution to the Jewish problem. These ghettos were to be located in cities on railway junctions or along the railway, so that future measures may be accomplished easily. However the ghettos eventually became overcrowded, as many families were forced to live in one room shacks. The Jews were not allowed to receive medical attention and the food ration ...

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