THINKERBurkeMarxMLKMalcolm XDe GougesWollstoneCraftMillCLASSIFICATIONConservativeSocialistRadicalRadicalLiberalLiberalLiberalHISTORICAL TIME PERIOD18th century19th century20th century20th century18th century18th century19th centuryHISTORICAL CONTEXT-French Revolution-End of enlightenment- Books: “reflections on the revolution in Fr”-England-Industrial Revolution-Rise of factories-Decline of agrarian economy-Class divisions between owners of factories (bourgeoisie) and wage earners (proletariat)-American civil rights movement-letter from Birmingham jail- reasons for why this happened in 1950s:1. migration of blacks country → city2. WWII against  racism 3. TV showed the reality of the situationSame as MLKBesides his work is called-The ballet or the bullet- her book: Declaration the Rights of Women and Citizens-reasons for why it happened now: -Spirit of the ageecon dev.Indust rev.(rise of factories)no sexual division of labor-right after fr. + am. Rev-inv. Of childhoodnew
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role for women as maternal-same historical context-  De Gourges -wrote revolutionary text on rights of women-her book is called: A vindication of the Rights of Women-rise of democracy-Associated with Am + Fr. Revolution (50, 40 yrs)-rise of popular sovereignty -suffrage gets expanded-Rise of popular newspaper-increased literacy -On liberty- personal rights has a  new enemythe ppl themselves-old enemy defeated (powers of kings, clerics, arist.)-proposed bill in parl. To allow ppl to voteHUMAN NATURE-humans have very small capacity to reason, not rational (pg 72, 74 in packet)-creatures of emotion and feeling-men produce goods even when they don’t have immediate needs→ separates man ...

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