Roses of Hope- Nazi destruction of in WW2

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Hum of blazes devouring cozy family houses; earsplitting blasts; roar of engines in

solid military cars; groaning and crying of woman and children; bodies of shot men lying one

on another on the backyard of local grange. Unfortunately, this is not a scene from a

catastrophic film as it could seem to be. This is a cruel reality which afflicted one small

village called Lidice. Lidice suffered from the situation during the World War II and its doom

was sealed on the 9th July 1942 when Nazis destroyed this village. This incomprehensible act

was a consequence of Reinhard Heidrich’s assassination. Reinhard Heidrich was the most

important person in occupied Czechoslovakia. Therefore, Nazis made their best effort to

punish and revenge disobedience of Czechoslovak nation and the worst vengeance affected

innocent Lidice.

        As was said above, this event happened in 20th century. Whole 20th century brought

hard tryouts at our world. Everything started with the World War I which was different from

previous ones. Science discovered and developed many new powerful inventions and

weapons which were then used in the World War I. Belligerents used tanks, combatant

aircrafts, and chemical weapons which had never been used before. Hence, about 8 million

people died during this devastating war.

The World War I and following Great Depression were basis for another and more

devastating period which was the World War II. The most important role played Germany and

its Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. His charisma and promises to improve poor living conditions for

people during the Great Depression convinced people to promote Hitler’s thoughts and

intentions. Unfortunately, his intentions were inhuman and the big threat for another nations.

Nazis’ policy was clear: expansiveness, occupation of non-German territories, deterrence and

terrorization of people, and most of all, their policy of clear Aryan race. This policy

recognized only clear Aryan people which are predestinated to control people of other races.

Therefore, Nazis tried to get rid of people who didn’t meet their conditions. Most of unfitting

people were sent to concentration or annihilation camps where most of them died because of

cruel and poor conditions or were killed. This involved mainly people with Jewish

background but the final thought was to efface all Slavic nations. With Nazis expansion

though Europe they Germanized occupied territories. Who knows where it would end, if their

expansion weren’t stopped. However, about 40 million of civil people died in the World War

II. We aren’t able to follow fates of all these people but we can focus on some events which

changed lives of many people as it was in Lidice.

        Unfortunately for Czechoslovakians, their republic bordered on Germany, where the

“Nazi mischief” fluctuated from. Dangerous heavy clouds floated above Czechoslovakia

when Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany signed the Munich diktat on 29th October

1939. This treaty gave control over borderland of Czechoslovakia to Germany where many

German people lived. People in Europe naively thought that this will satisfy Hitler’s hunger

for new territories but it didn’t. His merciless troops magnified sphere of his actions.

Inhabitants of Czechoslovakia tried hard to defend their loved motherland but they couldn’t

face more modern and equipped German troops. Finally, not only borderland but whole

Czechoslovakia was forcibly absorbed by Nazis. This territory was controlled by Reinhard

Heydrich, Deputy Protector of Bohemia and Moravia. His importance was significant and

Czechoslovak government in exile decided to assassinate him. On May 27th 1942, Heydrich

was traveling in his car through Prague suburb of Kobylisy. Thrown bomb decided that the

attempt was successfully accomplished. On the other hand, this well-meant action had

horrible consequences. Nazis thirsted for intransigent revenge which would discourage

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another possible signs of resistance. They immediately brought into operation special actions.

4 700 000 inspected , 13 113 retained, 621 arrested. This is the result of the operation of

450 000 Nazis who searched through almost every house and flat in an effort to find

offenders. In following months they executed more than 2 thousand people without certain

reason. Nazis’ fury didn’t have the end.

        In addition to inspections, special commission was established in Prague. Its mission

was to enquire into all suspicious affairs which can disclose offenders and this commission ...

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