Spivak in Can the Subaltern Speak and Deconstructing Historiography talks about how people oppressed by colonialism are not allowed a voice because they do not have importance

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                           Idea of subaltern subjectivity

          The subaltern is a person or a group of people that have been excluded from society.  They do not have a voice, and are lost in the world due to assimilation and colonialism.  In Deconstructing Historiography, Spivak expresses her opposition to colonialism, and describes it as “a change from semi-feudalism into capitalist subjection”.  When India was colonized, the British treated Indians like inferiors.  The cultures and religions did not matter, and, according to Spivak, “the most functional change is from religious to militant”.  In Can the Subaltern Speak, Spivak mentions how Britain thought they were “saving” Indians, and while some lives were saved, Hindu practices were outlawed.  “While this intervention saved some lives and may have given the women a modicum of free choice, it also served to secure British power in India and to underscore the asserted difference between British ‘civilization’ and Indian ‘barbarism’.  Under British rule, women, and the subaltern may have been given freedom, but is it really freedom when assimilating is what it takes to be given a voice?  “The most significant outcome of this revision or shift in perspective is that the agency of change is located in the insurgent or the ‘subaltern’. 

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                  The Spivak's essay "Can the Subaltern Speak?" certainly explores whether subalterns can speak though it is more interested in whether they can be heard. Spivak argues that there are a number of factors preventing this. The most important is that more powerful people-academics, religious leaders, or people who are otherwise privileged in society-always speak for them. When they do this, the elite rob subalterns of their own voice. If subalterns could both speak and have a forum in which to be heard, Spivak hopes these people would achieve an effective ...

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