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Soviet policy in Eastern Europe during the final year and immediate aftermath of World War II had a

profound impact on global politics.1 The clash of Soviet and Western objectives in Eastern Europe was

submerged for a while after the war, but by March 1946 the former British prime minister Winston

Churchill felt compelled to warn in his famous speech at Fulton, Missouri that “an Iron Curtain has

descended across the Continent” of Europe. At the time of Churchill’s remarks, the Soviet Union had not

yet decisively pushed for the imposition of Communist rule in most of the East European countries.

Although Communist officials were already on the ascendance throughout Eastern Europe, non-Communist

politicians were still on the scene. By the spring of 1948, however, Communist regimes had gained sway

throughout the region. Those regimes aligned themselves with the Soviet Union on all foreign policy

matters and embarked on Stalinist transformations of their social, political, and economic systems. Even

after a bitter rift emerged between Yugoslavia and the USSR, the other East European countries remained

firmly within Moscow’s sphere.

By reassessing Soviet aims and concrete actions in Eastern Europe from the mid-1940s through the

early 1950s, this essay touches on larger questions about the origins and intensity of the Cold War. The

essay shows that domestic politics and postwar exigencies in the USSR, along with Iosif Stalin’s external

ambitions, decisively shaped Soviet ties with Eastern Europe. Stalin’s adoption of increasingly repressive

and xenophobic policies at home, and his determination to quell armed insurgencies in areas annexed by

the USSR at the end of the war, were matched by his embrace of a harder line vis-à-vis Eastern Europe.

This internal-external dynamic was not wholly divorced from the larger East-West context, but it was, to a

certain degree, independent of it. At the same time, the shift in Soviet policy toward Eastern Europe was

bound to have a detrimental impact on Soviet relations with the leading Western countries, which had tried

1 The term “Eastern Europe,” as used in this essay, is partly geographic and partly political, encompassing eight

European countries that were under Communist rule from the 1940s through the end of the 1980s. All these countries,

except for Yugoslavia and Albania, were formally allied with the Soviet Union until the start of the 1990s. The term

does not include the Soviet Union itself, even though the western Soviet republics (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia,

Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, and Russia west of the Urals) constituted the easternmost part of Europe. The term does

include some countries in what is more properly called “Central Europe,” such as Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland,

and what in 1949 became known as the German Democratic Republic (or East Germany). The other Communist

states in Europe — Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, and Yugoslavia — are also encompassed by the term “Eastern

Europe.” Countries that were never under Communist rule, such as Greece and Finland, are not regarded as part of

“Eastern Europe,” even though they might be construed as such from a purely geographic standpoint. The Soviet

Union provided some assistance to Communist guerrillas in Greece and considered trying to facilitate the

establishment of Communist regimes in both Finland and Greece, but ultimately decided to refrain from moving

directly against the non-Communist governments in the two countries.


to avert the imposition of Stalinist regimes in Eastern Europe. The final breakdown of the USSR’s

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erstwhile alliance with the United States and Great Britain was, for Stalin, an unwelcome but acceptable

price to pay. Although he initially had hoped to maintain a broadly cooperative relationship with the

United States and Britain after World War II, he was willing to sacrifice that objective as he consolidated

his hold over Eastern Europe.

The essay begins by describing the historical context of Soviet relations with the East European

countries, particularly the events of World War II. The wartime years and the decades preceding them

helped to shape Stalin’s policies and goals after the war. The paper then discusses ...

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