The moral argument presupposes the existence of an all powerful, perfect God in order to account for the fact that human beings have developed moral codes.

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“In order to make sense of mans moral experience, there has to be a God and by extension, an afterlife”. Discuss.

Okite Ahweyevu U6AM

The moral argument presupposes the existence of an all powerful, perfect God in order to account for the fact that human beings have developed moral codes. Essentially, our notion of what is right and good, and subsequently the way these notions manifest into good actions is due to the presence of God who created us and that morality within us. Due to our awareness of God’s existence, man acts in one way, and if God did not exist that would render our actions irrational and inexplicable because the very reason that man acts in such a way as they would call good, is for the benefits provided by God for us in an afterlife. In response to that, one does need to question, whether one can be said to be moral if God does not drive that morality. Does mans moral experience have no meaning if they do not act according to the will of God? If so, can one who does not act in accordance to that Will, or follow His laws, either out of disobedience, indolence or ignorance, be judged on the same basis as those who do? Does that mean that their moral experience is invalid and nonsensical?

The theological answer to this question comes from a number of sources. Thomas Aquinas tries to prove God’s existence by applying the notion of the different degrees of perfection found in finite things. Things are comparable to other things based on standards of how good or bad things are, and if one judges good things against one another, there must be one good thing which sets the standard for all good. The different degrees of perfection holds that there is ultimately one thing that is perfect. This perfect goodness Aquinas would suggest is God. It follows from this that if God does exist that there is one reason for mans moral experience developing the way that it does. With man’s knowledge of God’s existence man wants to please Him, and so tries to be good for Him.    

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Similarly CS Lewis discusses the notion of standards of morality, as a means of proving there is an ultimate and absolute goodness. Lewis states that mans idea of right and wrong gives some clues as to the meaning of the universe. The very fact that people have disagreements alludes to some perception of a standard of behaviour. This allusion can also be applied to perfection and evil. One thing can be more evil than another just as one thing can be more good or perfect than another. He states that whether there is a disagreement as to which thing ...

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