The one true substance in the world it is God. How far do you go along with this and why?

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The one true substance in the world it is God. How far do you go along with this and why?

The debate concerning God’s existence has been going on for many uncounted years. However the question of whether or not God is the one true substance in the world has created arguments and discussion amongst philosophers such as Descartes, Anselm, Spinoza and many more. The term ‘substance’ in philosophy can be defined as ‘being’, which coincides to the Greek ousia and it means ‘something that stands under or ground things’. However the concept of substance has been interpreted differently according to various philosophers, proceeding positively for rationalist philosophers whilst the empiricists reject the notion. This division of philosophical beliefs coheres to the concept of God, His existence in rationalist and empiricist terms and also whether or not He is the only one true substance. This essay intends to lay out the necessary concept of God from the perceptions of rational philosophers and also the arguments that contradict the view of God being the only substance.

        In most Western societies God has been perceived as the ‘perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe’, which in other words is that He has the capacity to know everything infinitely including a character or a person’s thoughts, feelings, life. The notion of God and Him as a concept has been regarded as perfection by classically theistic philosophical approaches. Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and part of his philosophical concept is known as ‘The unmoved mover’. Aristotle described this concept as a primary caused or ‘mover’ of all the motion in the universe. One can argue that the ‘unmoved mover’ is God. To support the argument one must understand Aristotle’s understanding of ‘Being’, which he calls ‘Substance’. According to his Aristotle’s Metaphysics, he argues that the ‘unmoved mover’ exists by necessity and is eternal. So for something to be eternal, it’s neither created nor destroyed but always will cease to exist. In justification Aristotle implies God as the ‘unmoved mover’ because unlike human beings, God has a special unique quality, as He is unmoved and unchanged by anything else. This shows that according to Aristotle’s works, God does exist and he is the one of the substances in the world.  

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Aristotle isn’t the only classical philosopher whose arguments on God and His existence are affirmative but the concept of God is also elaborated by Thomas Aquinas, who was an Italian influential philosopher. His elaborations and theories on God were seen as immensely influential and rational because he was an Italian Dominican priest of the Catholic Church. Some of Aquinas primary arguments regarding the existence of God are that ‘there is one God or God is one, He is incorporeal.. He is immutable and impassable’. This is an argument which highlights that God is different to a Human. To support the ...

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