'The Ontological argument, fails to prove the existence of God' Discuss.

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Caroline Gillinder




‘The Ontological argument, fails to prove the existence of God’. Discuss.

        Ontology is understood to be a branch off metaphysics. It is the science of being in general which embraces many issues such as, the nature of existence. This is where the Ontological argument is introduced.

        The Ontological argument is a line of argument, which appears to appeal to no contingent fact at all but only to an analysis of the concept of the existence of God.

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        There were many philosophers that supported the ontological argument but there were three main supporters called; Anselm, Descartes and Alvin Plantinga.

        Anselm centres his proofs on the existence of God on the value theory that something is too good not to be real.  Anselm believed that not only is God the efficient cause of the being and well-being of everything else, but also the exemplar of all created nature. Anselm advertised his ontology by arguing that since the Supreme Good and the Supreme Being are identical in its ideas as every being is good and every good is being.


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