To investigate whether abrogation took place in the Qur'an.

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To investigate whether abrogation took place in the Qur’an, it is important to firstly define what abrogation is.  Abrogation is an English term meaning ‘cancellation’, ‘annulment’ or ‘repeal.’ The word corresponds with the Arabic term nasikh.  However, the Arabic term does not have the same negative connotations as abrogation.  Now that the word abrogation has been defined, it is possible to investigate whether abrogation took place in the Qur’an and whether it corresponds to the English terminology or not.  One of the methods used to do this was to look at the chronology of the revelations.  Another method is to look at the verses and to see whether they can be classified as abrogating or abrogated.  

In the book The Qur’an and its Exegesis: Selected Texts with Classical and Muslim Interpretations, The author says that the Qur’anic doctrine itself said, “Certain verse can be abrogated by others,” therefore the task of discovering those verses was important.  Chronology was a method used to determine when verses were revealed.  It helped to understand the situation the verses were revealed in. By understanding the order of the verses, it allowed scholars to distinguish between those verses that were abrogating and those that were abrogated.  The early Muslim scholars categorized verses into Meccan and Medinan periods.  These were then further divided “into sub-periods, early, middle and later for example.”  This was significant for the concept of abrogation because a verse said to be abrogating had to have been revealed after the abrogated verse.

It is important to find out why abrogation took place in the Qur’an.  For this we have two perspectives: the Orientalist and the Muslim.  Abrogation is the term generally used by Orientalists in a negative way.  They use the abrogation concept for criticisms of the Qur’an.  For them abrogation was a method of cancelling or replacing another verse because the abrogated verse was contradicting or deviating in some way.  One of the reasons they put forward for abrogation is that the Prophet Muhammad was the one who abrogated verses.  This theory stems from the Orientalist view that Muhammad was really the one who created the Qur’an.  They go on further by saying that verses, which were abrogated, would suggest that God changed his mind about certain revelations.  For Muslim scholars, the abrogation in the Qur’an had a complementing and amending nature.  The Prophet Muhammad had in no way abrogated the verses in the Qur’an because the Qur’an specifically states that changes in verses were not left to Muhammad’s whims and that they were divinely revealed to him.  Muhammad was told to respond to those who taunted him to change the Qur’an  “Changing it is not left to my whim, for I follow only what is revealed to me; and I fear an overwhelming day of retribution should I disobey my Lord”(10:15).  The claim that ‘God changed his mind’ was an absurd claim because divine revelations were revealed in certain circumstances to have a greater impact and more relevance.

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The Orientalists have pointed out a few examples of abrogation of verses in the Qur’an.  The abrogations are said to occur only in the Medinan revelations.  This is because they deal with various subject matters.  There are three subjects that the Orientalists have focussed upon to prove that abrogation took place.  The first subject is intoxication.  The Orientalist Levy criticizes the prohibition of wine in the Qur’an.  He says that wine was at first associated with health benefits and was seen as pleasurable and that there was a river in paradise that would be of wine.  He argues that ...

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