Dr Maurice Glasman

What does Machiavelli mean by virtue?

Men often speak of virtue without using the word but saying instead ''the quality of life'' or ''the great society'' or ''ethical'' or even ''square' '[Sabine,1973,317]. But do we know what virtue is? And what virtuoso is? What steps does Machiavelli takes in order to explain virtue and virtuoso? What are they based upon? Machiavelli clearly claims that men are neither utterly wicked nor perfectly good. Having said that even the simplest human character is complex. Nobody is completely villain and heroes on the other hand are in some respect base.

Looking at human nature can be useful to see what Machiavelli mean by virtue.

Every aspect of politics begins from human nature, its possibilities and limitations. What Machiavelli takes to be the primary motives that determine men's actions. What do men want? What do men value? Answers to these questions determine not only what type of state, also the policy of the ruler. Before deciding on any issue men should well consider the objections and the dangers which it presents and should avoid it. A general principle assumed by Machiavelli is the supreme importance in society of the ruler (lawgiver). What Machiavelli mean is a successful state must be founded by a single men, and the laws and government which he creates determine the national character of his people, for example Medici family. Moral and civic virtue becomes bigger than the law, and when a society becomes corrupt it can never reform itself, but must be taken in control by one lawgiver who can restore it. Machiavelli constantly praises free actions, actions which takes place in some social and historical context. Necessity narrows the range of alternatives, but choices have to be made [Skinner, 1981,31]. Furthermore it is possible by reason applied to experience to make meaningful decisions and generalisations about how certain types of action, but even there is always Fortuna.

Ideally men ought to be moved by a careful, objective and consideration of their own interests. Instead of jumping into first course of action. However it is not easy to say what is one's best interest, most men are irrational. What does Machiavelli mean, are they important to Political Thought?
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The idea of virtu and many other ideas, were very important for Machiavelli in explaining his political ideas on statecraft, often we hear people say he's a man of virtue (honour). The words Machiavelli uses work best if they are not translated, words such as virtu, fortuna, liberta, virtuoso and necessita. These words have very specific meaning to him and others. They are linked with their old Latin meanings, and also linked with contemporary historical experiences of politics. The prince and indeed all his works were written in Italian, and not in Latin as they should have been ...

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