What factors brought about Rome's domination of Macedon and Greece during the period 200 - 146 BC?

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What factors brought about Rome’s domination of Macedon and Greece during the period 200 – 146 BC?

Rome is believed to have expanded her empire ruthlessly across the

Mediterranean. However this is not the case. It seems to me it was a

Gradual expansion due to unforeseen circumstances. Firstly Rome seeked


Only to defend her own territories. Macedon only appeared initially as a

threat through the expansions of PhilipV. He sought to expand into the

Aegean Sea and Asia Minor. At this time another King of the Seleucid

Empire expanded into Palestine then joined forces with Philip V to

Invade Egypt. The Roman government got wind of this and after their

wars with Carthage were suspicious of empire building, and so requested

Philip to stop invading Greek territory. He refused and they went to war

led by Flaminius. This was the second Macedon war. The war began in

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200 BC and lasted three years. Philip was defeated in Thessaly.

Greece was not declared free until the year after - 196BC.  Antiochus

attacked the roman forces in Greece claiming he was freeing Greece of

the Romans. He was defeated in 189 BC and made to give heavy

penalties to  Rome for his actions.  

    Throughout all of this Rome had not seized control

of any land and had not asked of any rewards from Greece, instead

proclaiming themselves to be protectors of Greece.  This ...

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