Matthew Sarto

RS 150

What is Humanity?

My first meeting with death left me confused and uncertain. I can remember every detail of that sunny afternoon where I first saw him. I can recall an event that takes me back to my old neighborhood. Like most average neighborhoods, there were your typical kids playing in the streets, getting into trouble, and living life without a care. On one specific occasion, a few friends and I were climbing a rather large tree across the street from my house. We had never climbed this tree before, although it had tormented us forever. Being the largest one on the block, it called out for us to climb it. Swinging from limb to limb, climbing higher and higher, never wondering if the branches below our feet would hold, and one suddenly snapped. I can remember falling for an eternity, staring up at the sky, watching myself fall into oblivion. It was at that moment I felt death’s presence, as the fear of death pulsated through my body. Suddenly, my world turned black, and all I could feel was my beating heart, resonating in the eerie silence of darkness. Then there was a sharp tug, a pull at my chest, and my eyes burst open. Before they had a chance to adjust I slowly sat up, hearing the crackling of dead leaves as they fell off my back. A pile of leaves saved my life! I was relieved, but before I could regain my composure, my father had already whisked me away. I sat on my bed while he spoke of my punishment, but I didn’t care. I couldn’t hear him. All I could think about was death, and how my life could have ended. I began to obsess over this notion, and found myself seeking answers to new questions. Is humanity simply life to death? What happens after death? In this study of humanity, I will analyze the three distinct phases of being human; life, death, and the potential afterlife, with the emphasis on defining what it means to be human.  

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What is Life?

Life is what we wake up to everyday. Life is our reality, its what you experience, what you feel, and is sustained only till death. According to the Jain Parable: The Man in the Well, our fear of death compels us to live. We as humans are naturally afraid to die, and it is this notion that acts as an igniter for our desire to attain life experiences. “All his limbs trembled with fear…afraid of death, craving to live if only a moment longer.” (pg.537) The man in the well, who represents the human soul, is compelled ...

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