"With reference to the period 1880, explain why people chose to migrate to Britain"

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   Multicultural Britain                              

“With reference to the period 1880, explain why people chose to migrate to Britain”

Britain is a very multicultural nation. People from all over the world are migrating to Britain as refugees and immigrants. This has been happening over a long period of time and is still happening today. In this essay I will be looking at the three main reasons as to why these immigrants have chosen to come to Britain, whether it was political, social or economic.

One of these reasons was due to persecution. Persecution was established by many immigrants in the past when they were discriminated against. There were also refugees of war but they came to Britain seeking Asylum. All over the world people are being persecuted. One group in specific was the Jews. Now, the Jews were and still are renowned for the persecution held against them in the past. From 1800 onwards Jews were persecuted by their country leaders. The short term cause as to why they migrated to Britain was because Jewish groups were blamed for the assassination of Tsar Alexander II. There were pogroms (organised murders) organised against them and many Jews were killed. The long term cause was when Christianity came about. The Jews were blamed for the crucifiction of Jesus. Judah was believed to be a double crosser because he helped the death to occur. Since then Judaism has been looked down upon by Europe. Also Jews were persecuted because of their wealth, faith and ethnicity. From 1818-1914 two million Jews left Eastern Europe and there were already about 60,000 Jews already born in Britain which was important because the Jews came to Britain because there were already Anglo Jews and it made them feel more at home. In their home land, the Jewish had a separate set of laws just for them. They stated that the Jews weren’t allowed to train to become lawyers, or hold government jobs and they weren’t allowed to live in the countryside. The laws made against were insufferable and I can see why they wanted to escape. Because the Jewish were being persecuted out of their country, they fled to Britain which offered many pull factors as the Jewish went seeking refuge. It wasn’t just in the 1880s the Jewish were being persecuted, they were persecuted before then and again in 1939 onwards by the Nazi. Jewish people have become scapegoats in many different periods of time.

An alternative group to suffer persecution and flee to Britain was the East African Asians. They were persecuted in the 1950s and the 1960s. They were also discriminated against because of their successful entrepreneurial intellect. The short term cause of their immigration was when Uganda got a new president, General Idi Amin. He declared that all Asians holding a British passport would have to leave the country with immediate action, 90 days to be precise. The long term reason was when East African Asians were taken from Asia to Africa by the British Empire. Soon the Africans there already became resentful towards the Asians as they were doing so well in Africa and had such a high status and good businesses. This was made even worse when the new president came into power as he forced all Asians holding a British passport out of the country. The East African Asians moreover, were also a part of the British Empire which was how Idi Amin managed to persecute them out of the country. The short term cause was basically an expansion on the long term cause, since discrimination happened before Amin’s rule but it was only after he came into power that they were taken action against. The policies against the East African Asians were similar to that of the Jews. The May laws state that the Jewish had limited resources and were banned from the trade industry and government service which is comparable to the policies against the East African Asians, and both the Jews and East African Asians were discriminated against for their wealth and ethnicity. By 1981 155,000 Indians of east African origin were living in Britain. The African Asians were also a part of the British Empire and they came to Britain over a short period of time as they were only allowed 90 days by the president. By 1937 the Asians had fled, most of them to Britain.

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The last group to be subjected to persecution and migrate to Britain, was the people of Afghanistan. There was a war in 1972 and many people lost their homes. They became refugees and went seeking refuge in Britain. Genocide and the war was the short term cause for the Afghan people coming. They faced political persecution as did the Jews. 1.4 million Afghans were in Iran and 1.2 million people were in Pakistan at a later date in 2001. They were the biggest refugee group in Britain.                        

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