Both the common law and statute make it too easy for buyers to reject goods. Critically discuss this statement.

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Commercial Law

‘Both the common law and statute make it too easy for buyers to reject goods’. Critically discuss this statement.


The rights of consumers have been protected by laws for centuries. These laws have established a variety of legal forms, which including criminal law, tort, and contract, to achieve their objectives. In addition to those laws numerous other provisions have the effects of protecting the consumer, which specify consumer protection as their primary concern. For example, during the prosecution of fraud, protecting property, or facilitating litigation. In general, the civil law assists the consumer by imposing certain obligations on manufacturers and suppliers of goods and services and by restricting attempts to exclude or cut down these obligations or the remedies available on breach. (Cartwright, 2001) It should be kept in mind that here is no universally agreed definition of the term ‘consumer’. Although a number of statutes, both criminal and civil, attempt to define it for their own purposes. One example of such a definition is found in section 20( 6) of the Consumer Protection Act 1987, which states:


(a) In relation to any goods, means any person who might wish to be supplied with the goods for his own private use or consumption;

(b) In relation to any services or facilities, means any person who might wish to be provided with the services or facilities otherwise than for the purposes of any business of his; and

(c) In relation to any accommodation, means any person who might wish to occupy the accommodation otherwise than for the purposes of any business of his.

It is not deniable that there are varies definitions of ‘consumer’, but, here, we simply assume that ‘consumer’ means that a person who acquires goods and services for personal or household to develop further discussion, because the focus of this paper is not propose to offer a prescriptive definition of the consumer, but to investigate whether or not the common law and statute make it too easy for buyers to reject goods.


The basic rules of tort and contract law which apply today and which are the current basis of ‘consumer protection’ law were introduced in England. Along with the development of globalization, the emergence of consumerism is a movement which aims to give consumers some equality of power. In particular, consumerism redress against those forces who supply consumers with goods and services, which they have been convinced to buy on the basis of a choice, but in fact their choices may be informed on an artificial basis for sellers’ interests. The objectives of the movement are probably best approached by wide education of consumers in the community. Although law plays a small part of educative role, consumer education is not the prime function of law which protects the consumer. (Goldring, Maher, McKeough, & Pearson, 1998)

‘Free market’

When examining why we intervene in the market to protect consumers, it is necessary to start with the so-called ‘perfect market’. This is helpful even if we do not believe that such a system is achievable in reality. Free market economic theory states that if the characteristics of a perfect market could be created, there would be no need for regulation. (Cartwright, 2001) In one of the leading studies, Rationales for Intervention in the Consumer Market Place, Ramsay identifies the characteristics of the perfect market as follows:

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(i) There are numerous buyers and sellers in the market, such that the activities of any one economic actor will have only a minimal impact on the output or price of the market;

(ii) There is free entry into and exit from the market;

(iii) The commodity sold in the market is homogeneous; that is, essentially the same product is sold by each seller in the particular market;

(iv) All economic actors in the market have perfect information about the nature and value of the commodities traded;

(v) All the costs of producing the commodity are borne by the producer ...

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