a) Does the United Kingdom have a "constitution"?

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  1. Does the United Kingdom have a “constitution”?
  2. Would good government in the United Kingdom be improved if a legally enforceable written constitution was introduced?

The United Kingdom has what many would describe as an “unwritten constitution” whereby there is no specific constitutional doctrine or document in place but instead a culmination of statutes, court judgements and other legal decisions and precedents.

The nature and idea of a constitution has proved difficult to define simply, and has led to many definitions being formed by legal professionals, commentators and judges alike. According to The Oxford Law Dictionary a constitution is defined as followed:

“The rules and practices that determine the composition and functions of the organs of central and local government in a state and regulate the relationship between the individual and the state”  

In essence it would be safe to assume that the idea behind a constitution is to protect the rights of the individual or the citizenry of a state although it is virtually impossible to give a palpable definition for what a constitution is due to many conflicting opinions and views within the legal system.

It is therefore necessary to attempt to define the other parameters which are included in said definition, such as a ‘state.’ This again like defining constitution has proved difficult but Max Weber a German political economist and sociologist defined a state in terms of the constitution:

"The  within a given territory,"

Which may include the ,  or state , , and .

With this in mind by following the definition outlined in the Oxford Law dictionary the United Kingdom appears to have a constitution of sorts although not codified like the American Constitution of 1878 , or the Constitution of the German Federal Republic of 1949 . An important distinction can be drawn between codified and uncodified constitutions. Codified constitutions are largely written, centered around a single document incorporating key constitutional provisions that are binding on all political institutions. They are usually 'entrenched', enjoying the protection of a higher or Supreme Court, and can only be repealed or amended by special provisions, beyond the ordinary legislative process. 

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The United Kingdom however is rare among liberal democracies in not having a codified constitution along with Israel and up until 1996 New Zealand was largely unwritten. . Instead, as previously mentioned it is derived from a number of sources. Its principal source is statute law, i.e., laws passed by the UK Parliament. Statute law is particularly important for determining the powers and scope of government, and the conduct of elections not to mention the fact that statute law are in essence constitutional documents. Examples include the Act of Union of 1707 which shut down both the English and Scottish Parliament ...

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