Company Law. This report aims to look into the unique feature of the company as an artificial person with a separate legal identity. In accessing the companys behaviour I have identified both the statutory regulations and the cases to provide a company

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Prepared By; AHSAN JAVID



This report aims to look into the unique feature of the company as an artificial person with a separate legal identity. In accessing the company’s behaviour I have identified both the statutory regulations and the cases to provide a company on necessary guidance on its behaviour that may have been directed from its members. This report will also illustrate a brief understanding of the limited liability rule and the rationals of the courts in piercing the corporate veil.

“Society needs  successful business, but today business is taking over society. Its as if an over-indulged child has taken more and more liberties until it is entirely out of control. Everyone wants the child to do well, no boundaries are set, and before you know it the family is under the thumb of a teenager gone wild.”1 


Foundations of Separate Legal Identity and Limited Liability

The unchangeable foundation and identity of a company as a separate legal entity was established by Lord Macnagthen in the case of Salomon v Salomon & Co. Ltd.2 where it was established that a company after incorporation was treated as a different personality, in law, other than its members. Moreover, this determination was supported by the House of Lords in the case of Macaura v Northern Assurance Co. Ltd.3 and later complied by the Privy Council in Lee v Lee’s Air Farming4. It then formed part of the Companies Act 1985 under S13 (3)5 where it states that “a company will be viewed as a separate legal entity from its members as long as all requirements from the Act regarding incorporation and registration have been complied with”6     

1 Plesch. D, Blankenburg. S, Corporate Rights and Responsibility: Restoring Legal Accountability,2007.

2 [1897] A.C. 22 (House of Lords)

3 [1925] A.C. 619

4 [1961] A.C.12

5 Companies Act 1985 S13 (3)

6 Companies Act 1985 S29

Reasons for Limited Liability and its Advantages and Disadvantages

Dissimilar to a sole trader where the business owner takes upon himself all the burden of liability, once a business is incorporated as a company the individual shareholder’s liability only remains limited to the amount he or she has invested in the company. Unless the shareholders has indicated any personal guarantee, they cannot be held liable for any debts. The shareholders remain entitled to the residual benefit after the businesses’ creditors are satisfied. In case of insolvency, the worst case would be that the shareholders may loose the entire value of their investment but this would not affect their personal assets. This can also be viewed as the factor stimulating investments as the risk is varied. In the creditors perspective, they can only claim for the assets of the company even in situations where the value of company’s assets is not sufficient enough to satisfy their claims. The corporate personally of the company grants it with the right to sue and be sued without legally affecting the members of any sanctions. This is viewed as an incentive to the public that does not hold expertise to invest in companies that are involved in carrying out large projects, and

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relieves the investors because they do not have to worry about the personal wealth of other investors as they will not be held liable, jointly or severally, for the company’s debts. Hence the corporate personality safeguards the personal wealth of shareholders and saves the monitoring costs of monitoring any personal assets.

As a separate legal entity a company can own its own properties where the members does not have direct right to it. It has full contractual capacity to make contracts and can also be held liable for any breach. A company can also be subject to crime subject ...

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