Question: 3(a)

Select any one of the following areas and write a paper advising the Attorney-General whether Singaporean criminal law is in need of reform and, if so, your recommendations and reasons for such reform:-

  1. the fault elements of the offence under s 304A of the Penal Code; or
  2. the law of causation.

An Essay Seeking to Decriminalise Negligence

The concept of Negligence sits uneasily with criminal liability. All modern criminal theories consist predominately of a Retributivism-Utilitarianism dichotomy.  While a Retributivist asserts that punishment is awarded by virtue of the accused’s moral culpability, the Utilitarian seeks to advance the net social benefit by capitalizing on punishment’s deterrent effect. This is predicated on the notion of a ‘felicific calculus’ by which a rational man with the freedom of choice will avoid criminal conduct because the benefits from his crime are outweighed by the potential pains from punishments. Despite these differing objectives, both theories are critically dependant upon 2 factors: 1) The accused’s knowledge of the harmful nature of his conduct and 2) his choice of carrying on with the conduct despite this knowledge. However, a negligent actor is subjectively unaware of the unjustified risk created by his conduct. As such, it is dubious that the accused is morally blameworthy, and that punishment in this context has any deterrence value - He neither intended, nor knew that he was causing any harm. From a reform perspective, this paper seeks to examine the nature of negligence and demonstrate why it should be decriminalised.

The Province of Negligence Explored

Negligence is defined as a person’s failure to live up to an objective standard of behaviour regardless of his capacity to comply. Contrary to rashness, which is generally accepted as ‘conscious risk taking’, a negligent actor is conceptually unaware of the unreasonable risk generated by his conduct. Hence, a person purely motivated by kindness can be held negligent if he strikes a match at night to assist another who was struggling to fix a gasoline onto a car - any reasonable person will appreciate the danger thereby generated. As a result, an intellectually impaired, but not yet legally insane actor can nevertheless be held liable for negligence.                         

In the civil context, this is perfectly justifiable because Tort law seeks to compensate rather than to punish. Blameworthiness here is relative, not absolute. The inquiry is about who among the 2 parties should be held to bear a loss that has already occurred; and the capability of providing a compensation are often taken into consideration in determining liability. (E.g. Insurance) The imposition of an objective standard serves to promote social coordination: We can expect others to behave like an ordinary and to order our lives according to that expectation. If we are injured by any anomalous behaviour, we can expect to be compensated.

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The Incompatibility of Criminal Law and Negligence

However, this does not justify an indiscriminate transplantation of civil negligence into the criminal realm. After criminalising negligence in s304A of the penal code, the court further extended the civil standard of care in the criminal context in Lim Poh Eng v PP without qualification. This is an act that ignores the fundamental principle of our criminal jurisdictions. The local penal code as drafted by Lord Macaulay was conceived from a utilitarian perspective, the central philosophy of which was aptly expounded by Jeremy Bentham as:

‘All punishment in itself is evil. Upon the premise of utility, ...

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