The future increase of Singapore’s population to 6.5 million will mean the influx of foreigners. This, coupled with the fact that many recent homicide cases have involved foreign workers, raises the essential question: should cultural defence continue to play the small role it does under the provocation defence or should it become a defence proper?

It is submitted that the cultural defence should continue to play the role it does in the provocation defence and the cultural defence should be an additional factor determining the culpability of an individual in meting out individualised justice.  

Chan Sek Keong asserts that the Penal Code reflects universal values of morality. Given Singapore’s status as a multi-racial and multi-religious society, this seemingly rings true at least with regards to homicide. However, on Haviland’s definition, that “culture consists the abstract values, beliefs, and perceptions of the world that lie behind people’s behaviour and which that behaviour reflects,” it is submitted that Singapore’s culture as a whole is greatly influenced by western values and Singapore is not really multicultural. Furthermore, cases like People v Kimura, suggest that there are slightly different cultural attitudes to homicide.

Before we look at the problem of cultural defence, it is best to relook at the underlying principles of criminal punishment and the role that defences play.

Punishment, as a “morally expressive undertaking”, has several competing aims and effects which are retribution, deterrence, incapacitation and rehabilitation.

“Retribution holds that an offender should receive punishment proportionate to the harm caused and blameworthiness or guilt.” It could be both a justification as Immanuel Kant and Herbert Morris think that it is, or it could simply mean that punishment should fit the crime. The latter understanding ties in nicely with deterrence, working around the tension between the two concepts.

Deterrence assumes that rational individuals are similarly situated; the hedonistic nature of humans means that punishment should deter people from committing crimes and properly tying in with retribution, a punishment that is morally proportionate would mean that deterrence could be effective.

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Rehabilitation seeks to modify behaviour by changing the moral outlook of the offender and incapacitation seeks to keep dangerous criminals away from society.

The four aims and effects are essentially directed at what Pincoffs calls the three addressees of justification: victim, criminal and public. Based on this, it is submitted that retribution is the main motivating and shaping factor of the determination of punishment. It also accounts for the role of defences in criminal law; defences help to determine the blameworthiness of the criminal and the appropriate punishment.

Defences could act as either justification or excuses. ...

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