Feminism in the UK. As feminists claim the personal is the political they have had a remarkable impact on the English Legal System today, so much that it has affected the world as a whole. Various aspects of English law like criminal law,

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Women were the creatures of emotion and feeling. Aristotle said ‘so is it naturally with female and male that one is superior and the other inferior, one governs, and the other is governed.’ As well as this from a religious England, God was seen as a man and a male supremacist. Feminism has always existed but not widely talked about. It was only until 1895, the word feminist began to be used.

Feminism is the ideology of advancing the role of women to match with men in terms of opportunity. However this definition cannot clarify feminism as a whole, as different ‘feminists’ seem to hold different views. Rebecca West, a famous English author and journalist who was committed to feminist thought said, ‘I myself have never been able to find our precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat, or a prostitute. This gives the idea of a movement where women want to move away from the label second class citizens.

As feminists claim ‘the personal is the political’ they have had a remarkable impact on the English Legal System today, so much that it has affected the world as a whole. Various aspects of English law like criminal law, family law, property law, rape and domestic violence have been configured to suit women’s necessities as well. ‘In recent years, for example, both English and American courts have abandoned the common law principle that a husband cannot be prosecuted for raping his wife, despite her refusal to consent to sexual intercourse. The wife was deemed by the fact of marriage to have consented’. It is focused on helping individual women reach for their goals by removing any barriers that stop them from being part of every opportunity. The case of Bradley v Illinois is an early case that challenged sexual discrimination, through the case it is noticeable that the courts counter women’s rights.

My focus is on the liberal feminist theory, the moderate face of feminism. There are many others like radical feminism who aim to re-construct the whole political system in order to eradicate patriarchy and cultural feminism that see the difference in the nature of men and women but want to remove the inferiority that women feel and experience.

Liberal feminism recognizes individuals (not only women) as independent rights-bearing citizens. With the belief of men and women being equally rational they ought to have the same opportunities. However, the ideology has effectively replaced traditional norms, we see this through increases in divorce, cohabitation, abortion, etc. The dynamics between the sexes has changed even with those who are married; women are more egalitarian in their interactions. Liberal Feminists strongly believe that it is a woman's choice to do what she wants do with herself and her body, without observing the ethics if that act.

Firstly one of the major reforms and outstanding achievements of the feminists is the power to vote, gaining women’s suffrage. Voting meant you had a voice and a standing in the community to choose your representative. If you were someone who did not have this right then you must be someone who is not capable. Prisoners, the insane and children were not allowed to vote because of obvious reasons but to remove this from women was an insult. Many clerics argued it was because of their feminine soft nature that they were unable to understand how the political structure operates therefore it was better for them not to vote. However In 1918, Representation of the People Act 1918 gave women the right to vote but to those who were above the age of 30. Only after two more general elections, in 1928 this age range was reduced to 21. During that short period there must have been a high rise in political involvement by women. It maybe even that the Conservatives only had passed this act to gain a majority, as they were strongly opposed to women’s association in politics. Labour was seen to be more sympathetic to woman issues; they also allowed women to run for parliament. There were women who attempted to take seat at the very first moment like Cristobel Pankhurst, daughter of Emmeline Pankhurst but she lost on several occasions. Lady Astor who had also been standing won seats by succeeding her partners’ seat. This was a big step towards women’s rights although when Lady Astor, in 1929 tried it set up a woman’s party, it failed. This is a merit because it meant women were now citizens who had a voice, who had thoughts and views that should be heard. From the popular belief of women being housewives, it was a chance to remove that.

In my opinion this is an actual merit because without having a legal voice over political issues it would be impossible to be seen as citizens’ equivalent to men (or voters). Issues, acts and policies regarding women today would not have been possible without hearing the opinion of women. It has bought a major impact on how we decide for law, as both genders are now the subject of law. In 1867, the establishment of the London and Manchester national societies for women’s suffrage begun, with having the first woman elected to the London County Council in 1889, it lead to suffrage for women in 1918, a staggering 27 other countries had also allowed women to vote.

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In addition the voting principle in the first wave of feminism has increased representation of women. British women have gained civic equality, prior to 1918 women were limited to domestic chores and factory labour work but now being able to become MP’s and governors of unions and boards. This advancement also had encouraged younger women to fall in to education and enter other realms of occupational life. Going to war was split on feminist thinking while so many were against going to war there were those who got involved as part of the White Feather campaign, to show that women ...

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