operation of provocation and diminished responsibility will mitigate the mandatory
life sentence attached to a conviction of murder, allowing a verdict of manslaughter
with the related discretionary sentence.24 Self defence is a more complete defence,
negating the unlawful element of the killing. However as the reading will show, there
are many problems attached to the operation of self-defence in the case of victims of
domestic abuse who kill.
Can the law serve the battered women who kills without pathologising her as a victim?
The criminal law defences available expose the historically masculine construction of
law, developed in accordance with male sensibilities reducing and confusing the
experiences and motivations of women.25 Where a battered women kills her abusive
partner, commonly the verdict returned is either a conviction for his murder or
manslaughter on grounds of diminished responsibility.26 This pattern reveals the
operation of a masculine system which discharges full blame to the women or
presumes a mental defect, vitiating responsibility: each construction ignorant of her
personal situation.27
Domestic violence against women is for some an everyday occurence: one in every
four women live with it compared to one in every six men.28 In 1991 41% of all
female victims of homicide were killed by their partners.29 This picture underlines the
importance of criminal law defences.
Provocation, a two-tier defence encapsulated in s3 of the Homicide Act 1957 revolves
around the judicious and logical ‘man of the law’30 who is reduced to physical
“…so subject to passion as to make him or her for the moment not the master of his mind.”31
The two pillars which support the defence of provocation involve the subjective and
objective requirements. A female defendant pleading provocation is therefore required
to establish that the abusive treatment received caused her to lose her self-control. It
will then be left to the jury to distinguish whether her reaction could also be one of
‘the reasonable man’.32 Although in R v Camplin33 the reasonable man was held to
include personal characteristics of the accused such as age and gender, this is not
directly transferable to the case of the battered women though may have made further
reform possible. Marie Fox reveals that the female problem is four-fold.34
Traditionally judicial insight into female behaviour and reactions is muted and hazy.
This is compounded in the first misconception of the feminine position. The cases of
Sara Thornton and Kiranjit Ahluwalia did not satisfy the requirement of ‘suddenness’
for the purpose of provocation.35 Therefore the law condemned them as cold-blooded
vengeful murderers. In reality, their responses to the cumulative violence were
indicative of the different degrees of physical strength between their sleeping partners
and themselves.36 Duffy was quoted with approval in Thornton, the trial judge
upholding the standard that:
“…most acts of provocation are cases of sudden quarrels, sudden blows inflicted with an instrument already in hand…where there has been no time for reflection…Fists might be answered with fists, but not with a deadly weapon.”37
How can this extend to the position of the battered wife? It takes no account of the
physical differences between men and women and fails to observe the reality that any
unsuccessful retaliation by the victim may inevitably bring harsher repercussions. The
judiciary has forsaken these women by confining them within the masculine
sensibilities of the reasonable man. I contend that this pattern shall continue despite
the attempt in Camplin to include a ‘reasonable woman’ test. As Hilary Allen
“the now commonplace use of the term ‘reasonable man’ keeps alive the ‘illusion’ of a universal and unitary subject of law…on the contrary it is variable, differentiated and very firmly gendered”38
Secondly, the masculine definition of what legally constitutes provocation intimately
lends itself to the male psyche in that the periphery of violence is more commonly
transgressed by men than women.39 Men will typically be provoked to respond to
issues such as his partner’s infidelity while women may. be provoked by the constant
threat of violence to herself or her children. For almost 300 years the judiciary saw
provocation to violence as contrary to a woman’s character. The present availability
of such a defence does little to improve the female position: merely attributing men’s
weaknesses as a threshold for female provocation is an injustice to the female
defendant.40 The law is more covert in its bigotry as the standard is disguised as one of
gender neutrality yet greater importance is attached to a man’s sexual security than to
a woman’s personal safety. A clear adjustment of the criminal law defences is
necessary to achieve justice for the battered woman. The possibility of establishing
gender-specific defences forms a later part of this discussion.
The third area of concern is the judicial position regarding a woman’s emotional
character in situations of abuse.41 A man is justified in his anger when provoked while
women cannot easily attribute their violent responses to the fear connected to
cumulative violence. The existence of feminine anger, whether through fear or
otherwise, is an emotion out of sync with judicial conceptions of femininity. Anger
manifesting in violence by a female perpetrator goes against the grain of both the
criminal law and the essence of the ‘feminine’.42 Masculine provocation includes a
perspective on the challenging conduct of the victim. In the case R v Wells43 Bisla
Rajinder Singh’s plea of guilty to manslaughter through provocation was upheld by
the Court of Appeal.44 Following a history of violent abuse displaying little regard for
his wife’s right to live, Susan had ‘provoked’ him through “cutting hurtful phrases”
concerning the real father of his daughter. Singh shot her twice “through no fault of
his own”45as the provocation was of sufficient gravity to justify his actions. It is
therefore difficult to explain why a female victim of domestic abuse who kills is
denied full legal representation of her accrued suffering: a factor often solely to blame
for her loss of self control..
Finally, Marie Fox points to the social conditioning of women against using violence
and the judicial failure to appreciate this. While male violence in the face of
provocation is seen as inherent in his nature, a woman is undermined by her failure to
“…other alternatives available, like walking out or going upstairs”47
Self Defence.
A clear convenience of this defence is that it defies any unlawful element in the
killing. Although acquittals based on self defence are rare it accounts for the main
position pleaded by female victims of domestic abuse who kill in North America.48
Britain procrastinates over the use of this defence in such circumstances. Similar to
provocation, Holly Maguigan was able to collate common feminist perspectives on
self defence in a murder trial and conclude four main underlying themes.49 First, the
objective ‘reasonable man’ test falls foul of the female defendant for the same male
bias reasons as provocation. Secondly the recurring idea that a delay in any reaction
prevents reliance on either provocation or self-defence is found in the requirement
that the danger facing a self-defence claimant must be immediate. Again, this legal
masculine perspective ignores the cumulative effect of domestic abuse and fails to
accommodate the disparity between the male and female physical forms.
Thirdly, self defence is premised on a ‘one-off’50 physical confrontation between
assailants of moderately equal physical strength. This is reminiscent of the judicial
failure to accord recognition to the social attitude of women, traditionally against
violence found in the feminist critiques of provocation. Ultimately self defence
incorporates a ‘duty to retreat’:51 a requirement often impossible in real situations of
danger in the family home. This extends from the judicial approval accorded to the
one-off brawl between men where the force used must proportionately reflect the
threat posed. A duty to retreat is indicative of ‘male valour’52: a commendable
decision of the reasoned and sober man to step away from a confrontation.
Aileen McColgan examines the operation of self defence in the UK reasoning that the
judiciary must re-interpret the requirement of reasonable force by comparing the
defendants actions to the abuse suffered and not the preferred model of a bar-room
brawl.53 For example, following the American case State v Wanrow54, a women when
attacked by a man was permitted significant additional consideration in Court.
Although this case did not involve the retaliation of a battered wife, the Court’s
acceptance of the unique circumstances involving man on woman confrontation may
be a significant development for victims of domestic abuse who kill.
Diminished Responsibility.
The third possible defence open to such a defendant is diminished responsibility,
which without the clear masculine overtones of the preceding defences, may prove
more suitable.55 As diminished responsibility attaches less of a premium to the
experiences of the ‘reasonable man’, its flexible boundaries are capable of reflecting a
more accurate narrative of the victim’s experience. This approach reduces the scope
for ‘essentialist’ c.riticisms as it observes that many women have different encounters.
.As with provocation, diminished responsibility stands on two basic
requirements. S2 of the Homicide Act 1957 provides that this partial defence will be
satisfied upon proof of the defendant’s abnormality of mind and further that this
abnormality substantially impaired56 the requisite mental element of the crime. In
spite of the advantages, diminished responsibility is confusing in its mixed use of
medical and legal definitions. The feminist reaction to this defence is one swathed in
caution. Many believe it is unsupportable to encourage the use of a defence which is
vulnerable to jury sympathy: alienating the defendant to whom the jury cannot relate
to or empathise with from the justice system.57 Another possible explanation for
feminist hesitance is that this defence rises only upon the successful assertion that the
accused suffered an abnormality of mind. Feminist jurisprudence seeks to reveal the
gender imbalances in law and promoting a defence seen as compounding women as
unreasonable directly undermines this.58 Furthermore, the battered woman who kills
arguably seeks vindication of her suffering while avoiding the harsh operation of the
law. However as the law is currently constructed, her abusive experience fades in
significance when the legal microscope examines solely her mental status at the point
of the crime; ignorant of what will commonly be the very genesis of her actions.59
Can we reform existing defences?
The Lord Chief Justice in the Ahluwalia case intimated that reforming the law
relating to provocation in Britain is necessary.60 What appears clear from the reading
is that current criminal law defences are failing battered women who kill. While such
defences continue to be construed from a predominantly masculine perspective we
cannot hope to attain justice for female victims of abuse. The current construction of
criminal law forces a battered woman who kills to hope that the trial judge finds
reasonable grounds to establish diminished responsibility. I contend that this position
is wholly insupportable, demonstrated by the original verdict in Sara Thornton’s case.
New South Wales signalled one possible route of reform for Britain in 1982.61 The
New South Wales Crime Act 1900 was re-addressed to allow any provocative conduct
of the deceased to be considered regardless of the proximity in time to the provoked
reaction. In December 1991 a Private Members Bill62 was introduced hoping to tie
British law in line with New South Wales. Further to redressing the requirement of
‘sudden reaction’ in provocation, the Private Members Bill sought to direct the jury to
account for the cumulative violence suffered in each circumstance. However one
disadvantage to this position highlighted by Donna Martinson,63 is the operation of
the double-edged sword. That is to say that more men may utilise this defence to
account for their violent action towards their partner.
It is unlikely that such reform could be effected in an area of law so deeply entrenched
in masculine theories of what is reasonable, what is provocation and ultimately at
what stage will a woman retaliate..
What are the alternatives?
There is convincing arguments for abandoning the use of provocation as a
defence in all fields of criminal law:
“…why the single exculpatory human emotion accommodated by law is murderous patriarchal rage…”64
Without traditional criminal defences, how should the law accommodate battered
women who kill? The seductive possibility of generating new, unprecedented gender-
specific defences is problematic for many reasons. Although such defences would
ensure accurate representation of the experiences and emotions of women, the dangers
apparent in the operation of the existing defence of infanticide excludes this from a
realistic target.65 In light of this, incorporating expert testimony66 into other pre-
existing defences provides a more pragmatic response. This has been the practice in
North American trials based on self-defence, allowing the jury a lay explanation of
the defendant’s reaction to the continual abuse she has suffered. The ultimate goal of
such mediation is to grant the jury opportunity to understand the alleged reasonable
nature of the defendant’s response:67 a step forward from the blanket definition of
reasonableness confined within the masculine parameters of traditional criminal law
defences. Concepts such as ‘battered women syndrome’ and ‘learned helplessness’
are not self-explanatory and are difficult to define. Wilson J noted the importance of
such evidence in cases of battered women who kill:
“The average member of the public can be forgiven for asking why would a woman put up with this form of treatment…such is the reaction of the average person confronted with the so-called ‘battered wife syndrome’. We need help to understand it and help is available from trained professionals”68
Battered women syndrome evaluates the social and economic position of the
defendant through the lens of an expert. Psychological reports are collated and
explained to the jury, not in terms of a physical or mental illness but as a medium
through which the effect of the abuse can be made clear.69
As mentioned above, battered women syndrome would arguably allow for a
representative account of the defendant’s experience. However flaws are apparent in
the structure of this defence. A tendency to concentrate on the ‘learned helplessness’
attached to continual domestic abuse shifts the focus from the violence suffered by the
accused to the vulnerability inherent in such helplessness.70 Significantly this
construction intermingles with previous masculine interpretations of battered women,
characterising the defendant, not the abuser as the problem. Taken together, this
permits the conclusion that the legal notion of learned helplessness is too narrow in its
composition to extend to the multifarious experiences of battered women who kill.71
Furthermore the physical presence of an expert in Court essentially telling the story of
the defendant, arguably compounds suspicions of her vulnerability and serves to
undermine her position. In other words, successfully removing her from the masculine
classification of ‘unreasonable man’, only to transfer her to the legal classification of
‘reasonable battered woman’.72
The use of battered woman syndrome as a defence in Britain would operate like a
jigsaw puzzle. The syndromisation of the battered woman who kills connects with
connotations of her illogicality: bolstered by the strong possibility of its use connected
to provocation or diminished responsibility- not self-defence.73 The Court of Appeal
c.onsidered following this route in relation to a plea of provocation provided that the
‘syndrome’ was medically reinforced. However it is likely that battered women
syndrome shall operate in connection to diminished responsibility74, allowing the
defendant’s story to be told from the mouth of an expert:
“further reshaped by the frames of the legal system.”75
In summary, alternatives to the current criminal defences engender the same
parameters found in the masculine construction of law:
“In resisting male violence and transcending the law the battered woman must be deemed mentally incapacitated and not fully responsible for her acts”76
What appears clear in this paradigm is that the battered woman who kills is bound in a
double paradox: she must assert a helplessness that her violent criminal action
contradicts. This is particularly difficult for the confident, sexually liberated defendant
like Sara Thornton. Marie Fox contends that instead of using an impartial
psychological expert to convey the experiences of the accused; the layman may relate
more closely to the testimony of an employee working at a battered women’s refuge.77
Conclusion-is there a broader perspective?
Perhaps a more enlightening approach points to an analysis outside the realm
of doctrinal law. The tendency among legal academics to ignore the operation of legal
definitions within the system prevents an observation of how they work in practice.
Although the law claims to be dynamic, the above reading confirms its tenacity to the
traditional perspectives on the differences between ‘man’ and ‘woman’.
Significantly, legal definitions are only brought into play in the context of a
trial.Owing to the pre-trial strategies of the legal representatives each case appears
before the Court as a fait-accomplis: the defendant pleading her case from the
condemned position of the vengeful woman who betrayed her gender through using
violence, or from the compassionate perspective of a victim with whom the jury
empathise.78 Evidence of this is clearly shown in the disparity of treatment received
across the many cases of battered women who kill their abusive partners.
In seeking to provide justice to the battered woman, it is necessary to broaden our
horizons beyond a sole focus on criminal law reform. Though arguably a constructive
development; one which can only yield a minimal change. Marie Fox79 contends that
a starting point may be greater awareness of the social problem of domestic abuse,
allocating more funds to the operation of hostages and public redress of the stigma
attached. Following on from this is the assertion of Phyllis Chesler80 that inherent
dangers lie in promoting the media viewpoint that only the most dramatic cases,
providing the most sensational coverage should occupy our analyses. For example,
the case of Anne Reynolds81 where pre-menstrual tension was upheld as justification
for the defendant’s brutal murder of her mother.82 The dangers referred to exist in the:
“dynamic of brief public fascination with individual horror stories followed by extended public quiescence about the more widespread problem”83
‘Public quiescence’ of the social problems surrounding domestic violence serves
purely to retard the position of battered women who kill before the justice system. A
more positive attitude concerns the psychoanalytic theory mentioned above and seeks
to unveil the large proportion of women in our society committing to violent men with
little alternative but to remain.84
Further to the question of media involvement is the question of educational .
intervention in sex-stereotyping. The unhappy frequency with which battered women
who kill are convicted of murder indicates a legal ignorance of their situation. Expert
testimony provides a beneficial learning device for the layman interpreting the
situation of domestic abuse victims. Rather than professional advice on circumstances
uncovered during trial, perhaps prior education of jurors and the wider public would
prevent disparities emerging at the pivotal point of our adversarial system.85
However, this task is enormous. Through educating the judiciary and jurors on the
reality of domestic abuse we continue to fight the discrimination faced by women
before the law. The law allows an attempt to prevent the mournful situation where a
woman must resort to a violent transgression of the criminal law to alleviate her
abuse. To do so the law must step in to change the current societal attitudes towards
male violence in the home.86
The ambit for the revolutionary reform necess.ary is somewhat belittled before the
imbedded gendered perspectives of the lawmakers and figures of legal authority.
Marie Fox highlights a possible option87 following the position of Californian
legislation providing a specific statute designed to deal solely with domestic abuse.
The administrative difficulties in doing so are revealed by Eber88 in the need for
concise and exhaustive definitions of the relevant terms: something that the prevailing
gendered attitudes of the lawmakers may inhibit. Looking to the long-term picture,
redress of the disparate power-control dichotomy89 present in many relationships
throughout society is necessary; without which the current inequality of women as
intimates and as legal persons will prevail.
Matriculation No: 992652614
Word Count: 4950
Subject: Gender and the Law.
Course Convenor: Fiona Raitt.
Date: 26.12.03
Time: 12 noon
Title: “In every field of law and legal practice, the law itself is gendered. That is to say, that the law-whether developed through the Courts, under the common law, or enacted in legislative provisions, reflects the gender of those who have created it: men”
1. H. Barnett, “Sourcebook on Feminist Jurisprudence” (1997) p 161
2. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics” (1995) p190- Marie Fox observes the advantages of retaining this term as it clearly communicates the gendered significance of domestic violence.
3. H. Barnett, “Sourcebook on Feminist Jurisprudence” (1997) p60
Page 1
4. H. Barnett, “Sourcebook on Feminist Jurisprudence” (1997) p59
5. H. Barnett, “Sourcebook on Feminist Jurisprudence” (1997) p59
6. S. de Beauvoir “The Second Sex” in H. Barnett, “Sourcebook on Feminist Jurisprudence” (1997) p175
7 H. Barnett, “Sourcebook on Feminist Jurisprudence” (1997) p175
8 H. Barnett, “Sourcebook on Feminist Jurisprudence” (1997) p175
9 [1970] 2 All ER 654
Page 2
10. H. Barnett, “Sourcebook on Feminist Jurisprudence” (1997) p161
11. H. Barnett, “Sourcebook on Feminist Jurisprudence” (1997) p161
12. H. Barnett, “Sourcebook on Feminist Jurisprudence” (1997) p161
13. S. Edwards, “Battered wives and provocation” New Law Journal 142 (1992) p212
14. M. Hansen (ed) “Battering and family therapy: A feminist perspective”(1993) p30
15. M. Hansen (ed) “Battering and family therapy: A feminist perspective”(1993) p30 3.
16. M. Hansen (ed) “Battering and family therapy: A feminist perspective”(1993) p31
17. M. Hansen (ed) “Battering and family therapy: A feminist perspective”(1993) p32
18 M. Hansen (ed) “Battering and family therapy: A feminist perspective”(1993) p33
19 M. Hansen (ed) “Battering and family therapy: A feminist perspective”(1993) p34
20 M. Hansen (ed) “Battering and family therapy: A feminist perspective”(1993) p34
21. A. Ashworth, “Reforming the Law of Murder” (1990) Criminal Law Review p75
22. [1992] 1 All ER 306
23. [1992] 4 All ER 889
24 M. J. Allen “Textbook on criminal law”(1991) pp132, 276
25. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p171
26. H. Barnett, “Sourcebookon Feminist Jurisprudence”(1997) p185
27. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p171
28. SEdwards, “Policing ‘Domestic’ Violence: Women, the Law and the State” (1989)JoL&S p414
29. D. Nicholson & R. Sanghvi, “Battered women & provocation: the implications of R v Ahluwalia”(1993) Crim.L.R p728
30. N. Naffine, “Law & the Sexes: Explorations in Feminist Jurisprudence”(1990) p174
31. R v Duffy [1949] 1 All ER 932 at p932 Per Lord Goddard.
32. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p173
33. [1978] 2 All ER 168
34. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p174 6.
35. D. Nicholson & R. Sanghvi, “Battered women & provocation: the implications of R v Ahluwalia”(1993) Crim.L.R p729
36. K. O’Donovan, “Defences for battered women who kill” (1991) JoL&S p238
37. R v Duffy p932-3; J Horder,“Provocation & Loss of Self Control”(1992) Law Quarterly Review192
38. H. Allen, “One Law for All Reasonable Persons?” (1998) IJSL 419 @ 424.
39. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p175 7.
40. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p192
41. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p176
42. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p176
43. [1987] 66 Cr. App R. 271
44. S. Edwards, “Battered Wives & Provocation” (1992) 142 New Law Journal p213
45. Per Judge Denison 8
47. R v Thornton p 312
48. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p176
49. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p177
50. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p177
51. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p177
52/53 Dr. Eastman, “Abused Women & Legal Excuses” (1992) 142 New Law Journal p1549 10.
54. (1977) 88. Wash. 2d. 221, 559 P 2d.548
55. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p178
56. M. J. Allen, “Textbook on Criminal Law” (1991) p132
57. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p179
58. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p179
59. J. Casey, “Diminished Responsibility & Battered Women Who Kill” (2001) SLT 311
60. [1992] 4 All ER 889 at 896 11.
61. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p196
62. By Jack Ashley MP.
63. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p180
64. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p180
65. K. O’Donovan, “The Medicalisation of Infanticide” (1984) Crim.L.R 259
66. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p181
67. R v Lavallee [1990] 1 S.C.R 852
68. R v Lavallee [1990] 1 S.C.R 852 at p 871-2
69. K. O’Donovan, “Laws Knowledge; the judge, the expert, the battered woman & her syndrome” (1993) JoL&S p430 13.
70. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p197
71. K. O’Donovan, “Defences for Battered Women Who Kill” (1991) JoL&S 219
72. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p183
73. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p184
74. S. Edwards, “Battered Women Syndrome” (1992) 142 New Law Journal 1350
75. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) pp46-7 14.
76. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p184
77. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p431
78. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p185
79. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p187
80. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p794
81. April 23rd 1988.
82. S. Edwards, “Mad, Bad or Pre-Menstrual” (1988) New Law Journal p456
83. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p186
84. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p186 16.
85. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p189
86. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p189
87. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p190
88. J. Bridgeman and S. Millns (eds) “Law and Body Politics”(1995) p190
89 K. O’Donovan, “Defences for Battered Women Who Kill” (1991) JoL&S p238