Judgment at Nuremberg

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The role of the judge is seen by many as being very clear cut and simple.  However, if you look at it in more detail, it becomes evident that it is not as simplistic after all.  To begin with not all judges carry the same role.  There are some noticeable distinctions to the role of the judge in common law jurisdictions to the role of the judge in civil law jurisdictions.  

        It is important to consider the way in which the law is developed in the two different jurisdictions to enable the role of the judge to be apparent.  In a civil law jurisdiction the law comes from a civil code which provides a consolidation of the law of the country.  Whereas the law in common law systems is developed on a case by case basis and it is also held in various statutes.  Civil law jurisdictions also pay a great deal of attention to the theory of natural law, which is said to be God’s law.  This looks at the inner morality of law and is said to be superior to manmade law.  Lon Fuller stated how “the legal system as a whole must conform to morality” in order for the two to be successfully linked together.  “The continental judge treats the code more liberally than the English judge treats statute”, this is because common law judges depart from statutes more freely to what civil law judges do with the codes, as in civil law jurisdiction the code is used more generously and is given a greater importance.  This means that the role of the judge in a civil law system can be said to be a lot stricter than in a common law system as there is less flexibility.  This is because they are meant to stick to the written law more.

        In the French civil code it states that “Judges are forbidden, when giving judgment in the cases brought before them to lay down general rules of conduct amounting to regulation”.  This means that judges cannot make law in any way or lay down general principles; they are simply meant to follow the code and interpret that.  This was agreed by the French writer Portalis in his ‘Discours preliminaire for the Code Civil’.  It is also stated that “If he refuses to adjudicate a case for the alleged reason that there are no provisions in the law applying to this case or that the provisions to be found in the law are obscure or insufficient, a judge may be prosecuted as guilty of the criminal offence of refusal to administer justice.”  In the film “Judgment at Nuremberg”, judges from the Nazi period were put on trial for applying the Nazi law.  It was said that some of the judgments they had been passing were against the law of morality.  This focuses on the issue of whether it is a judge’s role to apply the law passed as by an executive.  Under the theory of legal positivism it can be said that this is indeed the judge’s role.  They have a duty to imply the law that is set by an authority.  Looking at the provision in Article 4 of the French Civil Code, which comes from a civil law jurisdiction, this theory of legal positivism is strengthened further.  It can be said that the judges on trial were simply fulfilling their role.  This is a role of applying the law of the state and not questioning its reasoning.

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        Common law jurisdictions differ greatly from civil law jurisdictions.  In a common law jurisdiction there is the doctrine of Stare Decisis.  This means that judge’s previous decisions are followed where judges have interpreted the law that has been made by the state.  Judges can also avoid the doctrine by distinguishing cases on the facts, and therefore do not follow a strict code.  This shows how the role of the judge in a common law jurisdiction is more flexible than in a civil law jurisdiction.  Civil law jurisdictions are not able to even make their own interpretations of the law, they ...

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