Many Reasons could be suggested for as to why France rejected the constitution of the European Union. To look at these issues properly we would need to define what the constitution is and its purpose.

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Contemporary Business Issues                Allison Giles

France Rejecting the constitution

Many Reasons could be suggested for as to why France rejected the constitution of the European Union. To look at these issues properly we would need to define what the constitution is and its purpose.

A constitution is a system that an organisation follows. It is usually a document in written format, which establishes the principles in an organisation which it governs.

In the case of the EU follows a constitution which defines the EU’s fundamental political principles, also establishing the power and duties for each government in within the EU. This also means that each country would have a different level of power.

The proposed constitution’s main aims were to replace overlapping set of existing treaties that comprise the union’s current constitution and streamline decision thus making in what is now a 25 member organisation.

What this means is that the current existing treaties of the EU would be abolished with exception to the EC which would be absorbed and therefore giving the EU some legal personality. The treaties constitutional law would be abolished along with it. This could have been an issue for France, as abolishing its constitutional law could be seen as an issue that is problematic. Reason for this is because it’s the foundation of the EU as they are laws that govern the scope of powers of various bodies along with their authority. This inevitably relates to the creation and destruction of laws that government of each country would have. France is also known to have had serious social problems in the past and is even happening today and in the past weeks as a demonstration of the riots. This was caused when two teenagers were somehow electrocuted to death while being pursued by officers. It has then been related to Islam’s since the area that it happened is predominantly muslins. This could be one point to pick to help us conclude that France have a racial issue. I understand that every country has a racial issue to a certain level of degree but as a whole in comparison to the country’s population the levels would be significantly low.

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With France however the percentage of the population with a racial issue or hate would be quite significant and this would play a major role to the rejection of the newly proposed constitution of the European Union. With this mentality the EU wont be able to grow as its purpose is to expand and for that to happen members of the EU must be able to travel anywhere in within the EU without any discrimination at all with the right to strike. The newly proposed constitution would do this, abolishing the existing treaties, giving each EU citizen their fundamental rights. ...

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