Question 1: Critically evaluate the extentto which the Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 has broughtabout improvements in the law.

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Question 1: Critically evaluate the extent to which the Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 has brought about improvements in the law.

There are two main changes in which the Act has brought about since its introduction.

It firstly allows existing settlements to continue, but prevents any new strict settlements to be created. The Trusts for sale have been abolished and any existing ones have been converted to Trusts of land.

Secondly the rights of beneficiaries have been made clearer and new powers have been created to give more power to the trustees of land.

Trusts of the proceeds of sale of land in relation to orders the court may make in section 30 of the L.P.A have now been replaced under section 14 of TOLATA.

The trusts created are not specific and can be express, implied, resulting or constructive trusts.

TOLATA will affect five main points of the old law; that is

  1. Strict settlements will be phased out.
  2. Doctrine of conversion will be abolished.
  3. Power for the beneficiary and trustee has increased.
  4. The power of the courts has been extended.

Strict settlements of land will be gradually phased out due to TOLATA under section 2 which prevents the creation of new strict settlements. This is so, as strict settlement of land was originally created to keep land within the family. However, that purpose is no longer valid as the society and economy of this country have outgrown it.

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Settlements that was established before TOLATA will continue under the Settled Land ACT 1925 (SLA). Any attempts to create an entailed interest will create a fee simple instead. Therefore over time settlements will simply diminish.

The abolition of the Doctrine of conversion was made in order to change the way a beneficiary holds an interest in land. Equity regards as done that which ought to be done. Therefore the beneficiary had to sell the land under a trust of sale, making the beneficiary only interested in the proceeds of the eventual sale. Under TOLATA the beneficiary will have ...

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