Question one: Justify the use of the doctrine of precedent in the Australian or Singaporean legal system

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Question one: Justify the use of the doctrine of precedent in the Australian or Singaporean legal system

Judicial precedent it a very important source of law, without it the law would have no certainty.  

There are different types of precedent within the law. The first is “original precedent”. If a point of law in a case has never been decided before, then the decision of the judge in the case forms an original precedent. “Persuasive precedent” is a precedent that the court does not have to follow, but may be considered when a decision is being made. In some cases, the decisions of courts in other countries may be considered. This is most usual when the country has the same ideas of law to us, which mostly means Commonwealth countries such as Australia. “Binding precedent” is a precedent from another case which must be followed, even if the judge does not agree with the decision. The “doctrine of precedent” is to make common law fair; judges in their rulings should follow past decisions made by other judges, in similar cases. Australian courts follow the common law system. In order to decide cases according to the common law system the judges use the doctrine of precedent .The Doctrine of Precedent is a well established part of the Australia legal system. It gives Judges the power to make and change laws, which can often be the source of some criticism. (Farrar & Dugdale, 1990, p.41)

The advantages of having the doctrine of precedent in Australian legal system are;

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  1. Certainty

With the vast amount of common law, most legal situations have already been dealt with by the courts. This means that the English law is highly predictable. Judges are not expected to create new directions for their juries, they use wording determined by previous precedent. The prosecution knows how a statute is interpreted and how best to prosecute a case.

  1. Time and Cost savings

 As the system is predictable this saves money for 3 main reasons:

  • In most criminal cases the defendant pleads guilty
  • In civil cases a high proportion results in out of court ...

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