Special ConstableVsPolice Constable The Special Constables and the Police Constables carry out different roles as well as the ordinary roles

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Timeline to the History of the Metropolitan Police Service

1829 – The formation of the Metropolitan Police (29 September 1829) by Sir Robert Peel.

1839 - The establishments had been absorbed by the Metropolitan Police force

1842 – Formation of the Detective Department.

1846 - Plain clothes officers were frequently used at this time, two officers per division would be employed on detective duties.

1848 - Large scale enrolment of Special constables to assist the Metropolitan Police in controlling the Chartist Demonstrations.

1860 - Police begin the occasional use of hand ambulances for injured, sick or drunk people.

1870 - The standard height for Metropolitan Police officers is raised to 5ft 8ins, except for Thames Division, where it is 5ft 7ins.

1879 – Initial rules for dealing with Murder cases, released on 7 June.

1895 - To join the Metropolitan Police the following qualifications established.

1899 – High rates of suicides amongst officers. These are blamed on harsh discipline and insensitive handling of the men.

1914 – Women Police are founded.

1919 – Women Police patrols appointed.

1922 - Women Constables reduced to an establishment of 20. 

1935 – Metropolitan Police Forensic Laboratory opened.

1937 – The ‘999’ system set up.

1955 - Central Traffic Squad was founded, this consisted of 100 men.

1960 – Traffic Wardens introduced.

1973 – Women Police officers are integrated directly into the service.

1991 – Sector Policing was introduced.

1995 – Criminal Report Information System (CRIS) is established.

The History of the Special Constable

Special constables are part-time volunteer officers who have all the same powers as regular police officers.

Specials have been around for about 150 years, these were made up of volunteer communities before there was a fully paid police service. However, now Britain’s police services in England and Wales have their own Special Constabulary.

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In 1740, the Bow Street Runner were the first paid police officers, they were incorporated into the new Metropolitan Police Force (founded by Sir Robert Peel 1829).

In 1831 the Special Constables Act gave Justices of Peace (magistrate of the lowest level of court systems) power to enrolling men as Special Constables when needed to help assist police in potential riots and social unrest.

The Special Constables Act (1914) permitted the recruiting of Special Constables for the duration of World War One. This act proved to be very successful. So in 1923 another act was ...

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