"The triumph of negligence is a product of industrialisation; it is a disguised subsidy to business."

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Common Law History.

"The triumph of negligence is a product of industrialisation; it is a disguised subsidy to business."

The following report is against the above motion.  Before stating why, it is important to explain what the arguments for the motion are.  Negligence is a refusal or an omission to take care when performing a task, thus putting people in jeopardy.  Manchester, in Modern Legal History (1980) ch.12 (3), argues that there were various problems involved with negligence cases in the pre-industrial age.  He points to problems encountered in the courts involving the two forms of action that dealt with negligence, (Trespass and Case).  He says it was easy for a wrong doer to evade prosecution, for if an action was brought in trespass the defendant would simply state that their servant had committed the act, and that the proper action lay in Case.  But the if action was brought in case the master could contest that they had committed the act, and that the proper action lay in trespass.  However, this report will later show that the judiciary were not always ridged to these arguments, and a degree of flexibility was sometimes allowed which helped shape the laws application and restrict the use of these 'loopholes'.  Another point to be noted is that there was also negligence cases brought under the writ of asumpsit, but this report will not digress into this area. (Manchester ch.12 (3), Baker p.352).

The second part of the statement; "negligence......... is a disguised subsidy to business," is supported by Populist arguments, stating that the law of negligence in the nineteenth century made industry, farmers, workers, passengers and shippers substitute their accident cost, (presumably through insurance).  (Gordon p.905 HLR).

This report, however is less concerned with the above arguments.  It will acknowledge that the industrialised period, (late 18th century to the present day) was important to the law of negligence, due to the increased volume of negligence cases dealt with by the courts.  But it will focus on the origins of negligence in the courts and argue that, (as with the vast majority of law today) if has grown and developed over a great many years, with it's origins well before industrialisation.

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The law of negligence has it's origins in Action on the Case and Trespass.  Action on the case was used as far back as the mid 1300, (p.552 1986).  According to sources such as Palmer, Baker and other authors on this period one of the earliest reported cases was Navenby v Lassels (1368).

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Between the years of 1500 and 1540 nearly sixty actions for negligence were noted in the rolls of the Kings Bench.  These were mainly concerned where the defendant was alleged to have undertaken to do ...

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