Compare In Detail The Approach To Superstition Of Thomas Hardy In THE SUPERSTITIOUS MANS STORY And Penelope Fitzgerald In THE AXE. Think About The Nature Of Superstitions And The Ways That The Writers Have Chosen To Portray It.
Wide Reading Coursework
Compare In Detail The Approach To Superstition Of Thomas Hardy In THE SUPERSTITIOUS MAN’S STORY And Penelope Fitzgerald In THE AXE. Think About The Nature Of Superstitions And The Ways That The Writers Have Chosen To Portray It.
I am going to compare these two stories that were written 100 years apart. The Superstitious Man’s Story is set in the 1830s but was written in 1891 when hardy was at the height of his fame like JK Rowling. The Axe was written by Penelope in 1977 and is set in an office and written in the style of a memorandum. They are both stories to do with superstition.