Compare the opening of 'King Lear' to a Shakespeare play you have read before, focusing closely on the way Shakespeare introduces the main themes.

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SHAKESPEARE – King Lear                FARAZ. RAFI


TUTOR: Mr. D Anson

Compare the opening of ‘King Lear’ to a Shakespeare play you have read before, focusing closely on the way Shakespeare introduces the main themes.

The act of creating and developing a character called characterization not only establishes a character, but serves as a means for the play write to reveal the themes of the play; "A literary character is the invention of the author, and often inventions are indebted to prior inventions", (Kirsch). Therefore, through characterization many common themes repeat within an author's literary collection. Shakespeare is the inventor of many characters and throughout his plays themes often reappear. Othello and King Lear, two of Shakespeare's great tragedies, exemplify this technique explicitly. The protagonists of these two plays, Othello and King Lear, by means of their actions, thoughts and words, reveal the same themes revolving around jealousy, hatred and madness, which stem from the corruptions of the time.

In King Lear, Shakespeare introduces to us the story of an old man who moves from a position of encompassing enormous power, status, wealth, responsibility, social complexity, and security, step by step into a terrible isolation from his fellow human beings, his family, and nature itself, and suffers horribly from the stripping away of his entire identity. He then goes mad as a result of his experience, recovers briefly, and then becomes insane again in the moment before his death. In no other work of fiction – not even in Oedipus – is this total transformation from such magnificence to total despair rendered with such emotional intensity. That intensity is heightened by the fact that Lear's story is underscored throughout the play by the parallel experiences of the Duke of Gloucester.

Othello is composed of an extraordinary mixture of antithetical states of feeling and being. The extremes are literally and emblematically represented in Desdemona and lago, but they are most deeply incarnated in Othello himself, who moves from one to the other, from the transcendence and love celebrated in the first half of the play to the nearly utter disintegration and destructiveness that are dramatized in the second half. The contrast is so drastic that most critics find it insupportable. Othello is not the only Shakespearean tragedy to dramatize such oppositions, so is King Lear, but Othello poses a peculiar difficulty for critics because its preoccupations are so unremittingly sexual. Along with their flawed appearances, both King Lear and Othello learn about man’s nobility.

Over time critics have displayed Shakespeare’s Othello and King Lear as the most painful and exciting tragic deaths. Human flaws are portrayed through the main characters Othello and King Lear relating to today’s society. In these plays one experiences the failure of man’s nobility towards their leaders. Throughout the plays, both Othello and King Lear, experience similar hardships, which result in similar loss of social order and end in tragic deaths. The metaphorical diseases in Shakespearian kingship always involve economics, pride, flattery and foolishness, which all lead to the eventual downfall of the protagonists. Throughout both plays, the corresponding themes of favouritism, affectation, political division and doubleness also play a role in steering the peaceful coexistence of characters into tragic fates, ultimately death.

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King Lear is another story of a soul in torment, a "purgatorial" story. Again the tragic writer internalizes a commonplace action, the facts of which are legendary and presumably known to Shakespeare's audience. At the start of the play, old King Lear, like the noble Othello, has a rich, powerful, and complex social identity. He is both king of his country and patriarch of his family, the lynch pin which holds together the structure of the society, which the opening scene presents to us in full formal splendour. Everyone looks to him as the source of order and meaning ...

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