Comparison and Contrast of the Main Characters in "A & P" and "Araby"

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Caitlin Hargrove

Professor Sterr

English 2

1 November 2004

Comparison and Contrast of the Main Characters in “A & P” and “Araby”

        Mordecai Marcus defines an initiation story as one that shows “a young protagonist experiencing a significant change of knowledge about the world or himself…and this change must point or lead him toward an adult life” (1960). As seen in John Updike’s “A & P” and James Joyce’s “Araby,” both of the main characters are confronted by situations that bring them to “thresholds of maturity and understanding.” Marcus classifies initiation stories based upon one of three levels that a character passes through during their struggle towards wisdom and clarification. Although both characters from “A & P” and “Araby” make it to this passageway toward adulthood, Sammy from “A & P” passes farther through Marcus’s levels of initiation than does the narrator of “Araby.” Despite the narrator of “Araby’s” progress, Sammy matures more after his initiation as he appreciates his struggle and lessons learned more than the character in “Araby” by accepting his fate and moving forward instead of dwelling over his circumstances and blaming others for his frustration.

As Sammy grows-up in a quiet, suburban town in New England during the early 1960’s, he takes on a bleak outlook of life as he becomes bored while serving his community as a cashier at the local A & P store. He does little to revolutionize his life during his adolescence, and finds himself searching for an outlet from his monotonous environment when he is nineteen. Sammy is presented with the opportunity of change when three girls stroll into his work one day unknowingly bringing him freedom. Sammy is stimulated by the disorder they bring into the store as they are scantily clad in bikinis, giving him a new vision of women from the traditional

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“housewives in pin curlers” he is used to seeing (16). As Sammy’s pessimism controls his perception of life, he has become very critical and condemnatory towards everyone else’s faults but his own. Although attracted to the leader of the girls he names Queenie, he tries to pass judgment on who he believes she is in order to rationalize his own feelings of superiority. Sammy criticizes her out of his own insecurities as he is jealous of Queenie’s confidence. He watches in amazement as the girls rebelliously “[walk] against the usual traffic” of the A & P while the “sheep [are] ...

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