Cursing the bite of morning from atop his throne, as it prickles at his vulnerable ears, he pulls the collar of his jacket tighter

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By Theo Eze

Cursing the bite of morning from atop his throne, as it prickles at his vulnerable ears, he pulls the collar of his jacket tighter, just to feel it retreat further down his neck, cowering from the cold. Senseless fingers withdraw up into folds of unsympathising` polyester, as toes wriggle feebly in his trainers, in a vain attempt to generate warmth. He scans the outlines of those who currently inhabit the expanse of the park; and he hates them. Before blurs become features, before assumptions become personalities; he hates them. There is no beauty in this place, he thinks. Beauty is something instantaneous. Beauty is captured in a moment and preserved infinitely. An object’s beauty should be obvious, unavoidable. Undeniable. A woman is attractive instantly, she is not a project of the mind in which one moulds their idea of her to be somehow preferable, scratching away any undesirable traits. If this is necessary then she isn’t beautiful at all. Not really, not wholly.

A body moves into his range of focus, or at least reluctant interest; some overweight guy moving parallel to the bench at what looked an uncomfortable pace.

   — Oh of course Marianne… yah, I’ll be at the office in no time darling, he babbles making a point of pursuing the limits of just how camp a grown mans voice can possibly be. He allows his arm fall into a whimsical swing, which apparently is too tasking a movement causing a rather large bead of sweat to shuffle into motion and trickle from his drenched brow, coming to an abrupt rest and forming into a tiny salted droplet, on the underside of his cartoonishly bulbous nose. His other arm is wound tightly around a maroon, leather briefcase and clad in the sleeve of a garish corduroy blazer, bring-up-your-lunch green. He’s probably an Antoine, or a Francis; no doubt, of his own choosing. His face is pointed skywards like some hideous spherical pixie, seriously deluded as to his own elegance, as he waddles past presenting the fine oiled islands that adorned the rear of his waxen scalp.

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   — Bald patches, nod towards wisdom darling, it creates an air of mystique, they’re endearing, he’d spew eloquently over the sloshing spirit level of his Rosé to Marianne; Marianne would nod. Francis plods out of the radius of the boys interest, all ascot and cufflinks and ochre complexion.

The boy reflects. You don’t condition your mind to delve into and salvage the beauty in music. It was there the first time you stumbled across the velvet underground. It’s there instantly hidden in your dad’s Blues attic library. The first time you heard Hendrix, you knew it was beautiful.


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