Discuss the treatment of love in As You Like It, illustrating your argument with detailed reference to the text

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Rebecca Dando                10080355

Module Title:  Shakespeare

Module Number:  E103/2

Module Tutor:  Linda Ruhemann

Assignment Title:  As You Like It

Discuss the treatment of love in As You Like It, illustrating your argument with detailed reference to the text

In the romantic comedy As You Like It, Shakespeare explores many aspects of love from lustful, bawdy love to non-sexual same sex love.  In this play Shakespeare has given a tradition romantic story with a ‘happy-ever-after’ ending for all the main characters, which was common to this era in romantic plays.  Love in this play is treated as a multi-faceted emotion that does not express life in black and white.  Shakespeare allows the emotion of love to be illustrated as the all-encompassing emotion it is known to be, including all the emotions that are expressed because of love.

One of the first realisations of love witnessed in As You Like It is between Rosalind and Celia.  When Duke Frederick banishes his niece, Rosalind from the Court, his daughter Celia is determined to also follow:

CELIA:  …… Rosalind lacks then the love

               Which teacheth thee that thou and I am one.

The love between Rosalind and Celia is a close devotional love that is non-physical. Celia sees herself and Rosalind as one when Rosalind is banished and therefore believes herself banished also.  Her love for Rosalind is deeper than her love for her father whom she willingly leaves behind.  The alias she chooses also emphasises the removal from her father as Aliena means “alien, other, outcast, alien from her father” (Sowerby, York Notes Advanced, p23).  

The non-sexual love between Adam and Orlando reinforces the concept of same gender, non-sexual love between two characters.  Adam has overheard Oliver plotting against Orlando and wishes to help Orlando by giving him the money he has saved:

ADAM:        ….I have five hundred crowns,

Join now!

        The thrifty hire I saved under your father,

        ……Here is the gold;

        All this I give to you.  Let me be your servant.

        ….. Let me go with you,

Although love is not directly mentioned, the loyalty and generosity Adam shows to Orlando is indicative of love.

Orlando escapes into the Forest of Arden to avoid the hatred of his brother Oliver, however sibling love soon triumphs when Orlando saves Oliver from the attack of a lioness and all past difference are overcome:

OLIVER:        ….Who gave me fresh array and entertainment,

        Committing me unto my brother’s love,


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