Discuss the way in which Shakespeare presents the theme of love in "A midsummer Night's Dream.

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Discuss the way in which Shakespeare presents the theme of love in “A midsummer Night’s Dream

        Shakespeare presents his views on love in many different ways, there is parental love, doting (one-sided obsessive love) and true love. I am going to discuss the themes of love in this play.

        The first type of love in the play is parental love between Egeus and Hermia but is this real love?  Egeus wants his daughter Hermia to marry Demitreus, which is against her wishes, she wants to marry Lysander who she truly loves but Egeus dismisses this and says she must marry Demitreus or face death, which is a bit harsh.  The Duke Theseus says that she must “treat her father as a God,” and obey his wishes but Theseus opens up another option for Hermia “the livery of a nun,” so it looks like Hermia has only Two choices to die or to become a nun. Theseus gives her four days to make her decision “ by the next new moon the sealing day betwixt my love and me,” so Hermia has four days until Theseus marries Hippolyta to decide what she is going to do.  

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        Doting love is shown with Helena in the woods with Demitreus who is looking for Hermia. Helena follows him around and is always making loving gestures towards him like “I am sick when I look not on you,” Demitreus always rejects her but it seems to make her more determined to be with him.   Demitreus says things like “I am sick when I look on thee,” and “I’ll run from thee, and hide in the brakes.”  Even through comments like this she still wants him to love her.  Helena says, “the more you reject me the more my love ...

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