"During Wind And Rain", "The Voice", "At Castle Boterel" make a detailed analysis of the three poems comparing their message.

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 Pre 1914 Poetry Thomas Hardy; “During Wind And Rain”, “The Voice”          

                                             “At Castle Boterel”

Make A Detailed Analysis Of The Three Poems Comparing Their Message, Mood and Language and State Precisely What Are The Insights That Each Gives Into The

Social, Cultural And Historical Background Of The Time

Rebecca Simpson

        This essay will be about three poems written by Thomas Hardy, the poems were all written in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s and were written at the end of Thomas Hardy’s life.  The poems all go together quite well because they have the same sort of themes running through them. These poems al all very sad and have a Melancholy feel about them. They also look back to try and remember the happier times and try to forget the bad things that are going one now. None of these poems suggest a feel good factor, they suggest that his life is nearly over both in theses poems and also in real life they are too quiet depressing. Thomas Hardy was quiet obviously going through bad time when he wrote these poems and are reflection his emotion and mood very well. The poems show a great insight into their social, cultural and historical background, I think that Hardy wasn’t trying to tell us things, but showing us what it was like for him in the time he lived. He was giving us a glimpse of what the pats was like, All of these poems are showing that the way people are lining now is are different to what people were living like back then.

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        The first poem “During Wind And Rain” has shown us that families did stuff together, unlike what we do today. E.G it says “They change to a high new house”, this gives us the impression that they were very laid back about moving house. Where as today, moving house is meant to be one of the most stressful moments in any ones life. It also mentions, “With candles mooning each face”, this shows that in them days they used candles to light up houses, but nowadays we use electricity. And another quotation says; “They are blithely breakfasting all ”, this ...

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