Poetry Analysis on Binsey Poplars by Gerard Hopkins
Poetry Commentary on Binsey Poplars by Gerard Hopkins In the poem Binsey Poplars, Gerard Hopkins presents his reaction to the situation of the destruction of a landscape. In this poem, he mourns how easily humans can destroy the natural world, without realising the implications of their actions. With the use of poetic figures, strong images and an overall feeling of anger and nostalgia, Hopkins portrays his love for the trees and his grief at their destruction. In the first stanza, Hopkins speaks of what nature was like before it was destroyed. Using tender words such as "aspens dear", the poet laments the destruction of the delicate trees, whose beauty is not only conveyed in their appearance, but also in the way they formed "airy cages" to tame the "leaping sun". Hopkins uses repetition to state that these lovely trees are "all felled, felled, are all felled" and introduces the sprung rhythm by grouping accented words together to create an onomatopoeic effect. By doing this, the poet portrays an image of an axe striking tree trunks. The poet proceeds by using alliteration to display the way in which the shadows of the trees could be seen along the "wind-wandering weed-winding bank" where the river and meadow met. In order to emphasise the shadows of the trees, the poet also uses internal rhyme: "dandled a sandalled". In the second stanza, Hopkins speaks of the aftermath
Remembrance by Emily Bronte is an elegy and contains a lot of negative imagery.
Remembrance by Emily Bronte is an elegy and contains a lot of negative imagery. The poem has a string link with nature and has lots of information about nature this is probably due to Emily's background as a child where she was fascinated by nature and enjoyed her own company rather than that of others and it was here when she was alone she learned to appreciate nature. Examples of Emily's knowledge of nature can be seen strongly in the second verse in particular as she makes lots of references such as 'Over the mountains', 'that northern shore' and 'where heath and fern leaves cover'. There are many other examples in the poem but many I talk about later on in the essay. The poem is about a person losing a loved one and her feeling towards the loved one now the persons gone. The losing of a loved one is a common theme in Emily's poems although usually it is the mother as this creates a motherless character which relates to Emily herself as she lost her mother when she was only three years old. The poem informs the reader how she cant love anyone how she loved the lost one I believe the loved one she talks about in the poem is her mother and the poem is about her as Patrick Bronte had lovers after the death of Emily's mother and I believe that the poem is about Emily's feeling towards these women that none of these people can replace her mother. Another reason why I believe
Li Po as a Taoist
Li Po as a Taoist Is Li Po just a drunken poet or a true Taoist? Li Po shows many Taoist characteristics through his poetry. Taoist ideas such as mediation, simpler ways of life, mediation, virtue, immortality and an aversion to fighting. Li Po lived in the country, and lead a very simple life, which is a Taoist characteristic. As seen in Chapter 80 of Lao Tzu, a small farming community with a simple lifestyle is preferable to city living with a central figure. Li Po embraces this ideal in his poem "Clear Wet Dawn." It shows how he takes pleasure in simple, everyday things like flowers that look "tear-streaked" or a even simple fish pond (Five T'Ang Poets 53). He is not concerned with the judgements, or even the companionship of others; a reflection of a true Taoist. Other examples of his fascination of simple things are abundant in his other poems. For example, "High in the Mountains, I Fail to Find the Wise old Man", shows appreciation for nature rather than metropolis life when Li Po writes "rain-filled peach blossoms shower me as I walk" (Five T'Ang Poets 66). He seems to truly reject the lifestyle of 'jade and gold' described in Chapter 9 of Lao Tzu. He also appears to advocate simplicity in "Conversations Among Mountains". When asked why he lives in the mountains, Li Po response is "I smile can't answer I am completely at peace" (Five T'Ang Poets 69).
Daffodils by William Wordsworth
Daffodils by William Wordsworth When we think about nature, the first thing that may come to our mind will probably be some flowers. The same case is applicable while searching for wallpapers, because they do provide certain amount of beauty to the desktop, just like they do in the flower vase, in your living room! But flowers are quite common, and we usually avoid them, as we find nothing special about them and we go across lots of different flowers every day. But being a true nature lover and an inspired poet, Wordsworth has managed to produce a great work from this simple sight itself! William Wordsworth, one of the best English romantic poets ever, gave us this beautiful poem ''Daffodils''. Thanks to his Lyrical Ballads, we saw the the Romantic movement in literature. The Prelude is supposed to be the best work of this man, but this poem based on nature, happens to be one which we can't dare to avoid. I was forced to study this one more than once in my school days, which means that I still have every line going through my mind, especially while I am closer to the nature! Wordsworth was often called the poet of nature, thanks to his poems which gives new meaning to nature! He defines the time he spend with nature as ''the source of Joy of purest passion''. It is said that the visit to Glencoyne Park that gave Wordsworth the inspiration to write this poem. As he was
How do Blake and Wordsworth respond to nature and what other influences are there in their poetry?
HOW DO BLAKE AND WORDSWORTH RESPOND TO NATURE AND WHAT OTHER INFLUENCES ARE THERE IN THEIR POETRY? Poets, such as Blake and Wordsworth, had unique views on nature depending on the environmental influences; set upon them during the time they were composing their poems. This essay aims to expand on how Blake and Wordsworth responded to nature and what other factors had had an impact on their poetry. During the 1780's, came the 'Romantic Era,' in which poets, including Wordsworth and Blake, were seen as rebels against the work of their predecessors, the Augustans. Against a background of the tumultuous events shaping the modern world - the social, political, and economic upheaval initiated by the French and Industrial Revolutions - the Romantics attempted to form a new vision for mankind as their interests lay in the individual, the self, and the inner world of subjective experience. They wrote about the relationship between people and nature and between the individual and society and explored the creative powers of the imagination by looking into the darker recesses of human experience. While the Augustans, including Alexander Pope, wrote about aristocracy, as they believed that refined sophistication should be the aim of each individual, whereas the Romantics thought of aristocrats as artificially brought up individuals. The main intention of the Romantics was to rejoice
"Tintern Abbey" William Wordsworth
A preoccupation of the true Romantic authors was that of natural inspiration; a gathering of life experience, of knowledge and of wisdom through the untamed wilds of nature. In his poem "Tintern Abbey" William Wordsworth uses both physical and metaphysical wonderings to present a careful and yet sometimes confusing study of the cyclic nature of inspiration, knowledge and spirituality. Through the use of imagery, structure and juxtaposition, Wordsworth attempts and succeeds to teach a way to live through nature. The structure of the poem reveals one of the main themes: that inspiration, knowledge and nature are all cyclic. It is through this theme that his meaning becomes apparent. The poem begins with Wordsworth reflecting on the landscape before him. Repetitive use of terms such as "once again/ Do I behold," "The day is come when I repose again" and "once again I see" help place Wordsworth in the present and in a contemplative mood.1 Throughout the first stanza Wordsworth writes of the beauty of nature in an objective manner, describing the landscape exactly how he sees it. His metaphysical wanderings begin in this stanza too. When describing the land as being connected "with the quiet of the sky", we are led to see not only Wordsworth's belief of nature and spirituality being as one, we are also able to distinguish a link between the cycles of nature and the cycles
From Your Readings ofMid-Term Break, Diary of a Church Mouse and Prayer before Birth, what insights do you get about human behavior? What literary techniques are used to heighten the experience?
From Your Readings of"Mid-Term Break, "Diary of a Church Mouse" and "Prayer before Birth", what insights do you get about human behavior? What literary techniques are used to heighten the experience? By Emmanuel Sunil In all three poems, the poets give as insight into the various aspects of human behavior. MacNeice in "Prayer before Birth" emphasizes the negative aspects in which a person will be treated through out their life and focuses in on how people will enslave you, manipulate you etc. In "Mid- Term Break", Seamus Heaney comments on the nature of human behavior in public domain and how one reveals their true feelings in private. John Betjeman makes a satirical observation that people come to church for reasons other than spiritual satisfaction in "Diary of a Church Mouse". Each poet also uses different literary techniques to heighten the experience. "Prayer before Birth" is unique in that the speaker in an unborn child that has an awareness of what is going to happen in his life. Through the fetus, MacNeice tells us about all the negative ways in which others will treat you in all walks of life. One of the most important insights into human behavior is that people in power try to limit ones freedom (as in communist and fascist regimes) and MacNeice draws our attention to this in stanza 2, "I fear that the human race with tall walls wall me', where it suggests that
Who was John Locke?
John Locke, a prominent English scholar of the 17th century, was one of the first of many philosophers who delved into the ideas of the laws of nature, state of nature, natural rights, and the social contract. By creating hypothetical situations in which humans interact with one another in an attempt to form a society and government, he formulated several theories about human nature itself. Using these situations, he also attempted to articulate the basic wants and needs of man. What resulted were clear-cut and fairly accurate theories about humankind. Making generalizations about the entire human race is a grand task indeed, however Locke faces the challenge exceptionally. Stating that there are laws of nature, laws which are active only in one's conscience, he explains that they oblige everyone not to hurt "another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions..." This is resting solely on the person himself - if this person has an active and good conscience, then this law will apply; not all people are good, however. This theory about the conscience of individuals is very accurate, especially in stating that people depend on a government to make sure that the laws of nature are enforced - and the government depends on the people's consent to enforce them. Without government, one would have no repercussions for violating the law of nature, and thus chaos would ensue, with
What view of human nature does Stevenson present in the novel, 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde'?
'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' Coursework What view of human nature does Stevenson present in the novel, 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde'? In this essay I aim to define what view of human nature Stevenson has and how he portrays this in the book. I will also explore what I believe human nature to be and how collectively Jekyll and Hyde represent all people. One of the best ways in which Stevenson represents human nature is through Hyde. Jekyll/Hyde is one of the most complex characters in any book from the 19th century, or indeed, from any book that has been written to date. Hyde is someone who gives off an inexplicable aura of evil. People are instantly filled with hatred upon seeing him. 'I had taken a loathing to the gentleman at first sight. So had the child's family... Sawbones turned sick and white with the desire to kill him...not all of these together could explain the hitherto disgust, loathing and fear with which Mr Utterson regarded him...I never saw a man I so disliked, yet I scarce know why.' He is short, ugly, and pure evil. 'a little man...so ugly that it brought out the sweat on me...some damned Juggernaut...had Satan's signature upon his face.' On more than one occasion he is described as being deformed. Upon meeting him Utterson sees Hyde as 'pale and dwarfish; he gave an impression of deformity without any notable