Natalie Baynham

Did Henry marry Katherine out of duty or love? Explore the events and language of the play and Shakespeare’s portrayal of Henry’s character to form your own interpretation of how the ending should be performed

Henry V is a play of many themes and emotions, such as patriotism, bravery and desire. It takes a young, naïve man through a journey that moulds him into a brave and noble King, after his father’s death. This young man is Henry V who struggles to prove himself as a worthy King and discovers that there are some who will simply betray him.

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   Many battles are portrayed in the play, such as the Battle of Agincourt and the battle at Harfleur, in which the English are victorious. Henry processes are vast passion and desire to conquer France as he lays claims to certain parts of France, based on his distant roots in the French royal family and on a very technical interpretation of ancient land laws. With the support of the English noblemen and clergy the English set off to conquer France much to the disgust of the French, especially the Dauphin. However, despite the out-numbering of English soldiers at Agincourt the French ...

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