How does Dickens tell the story in Chapter 27 of Great Expectations?

How does Dickens tell the story in Chapter 27 of “Great Expectations”?
“I’m wrong in these clothes, Pip” is the unashamedly tactful realisation that Joe imparts upon Pip towards the close of Chapter 27 of “Great Expectations”, and echoes the train of theme of the chapter and indeed the novel of what identity truly means, and how for Joe at least, true identity will rise above the divisions between “the blacksmith” and “the goldsmith”. Dickens narration of the chapter, and indeed the entire novel also carries the weight of realisation through its structure, as Pip’s past experiences are narrated to present omniscience in their factual content but to the subjectively negative, ironic tone of the latent reflector that is Pip himself- “I had begun to be decorating the chambers in some quite unnecessary and inappropriate way”. This allows the realisation on Joe’s part to carry even more understated emotional gravity, his false, yet entirely gentlemanly “if there’s any fault today, it’s mine” carries intense personal and universal depth- it challenges his perceptions of himself as “old Joe” for leaving his own surroundings, and also challenges the theme of gentlemanliness and its meaning as a whole, but his character does not require an ironically knowledgeable secondary perspective to reach this simple false, yet hugely important fact.
This contrast in intelligence and perceived “intelligence” is one made more evident by the opening of the chapter, which also serves to introduce the idea of order and disorder that underlies the chapter as a whole. The letter, much that like that which Pip receives upon the death of Mrs Joe, carries both the weight of information that throws him back towards his past, but also the weight of detachment that further distances him from it- especially since Joe asks if he “were allowed” to see Pip, as reported by Biddy’s own hand. This contrast in what might be seen as literal intelligence and wisdom in thought that so overshadows Pip’s “present honour” sets him apart from the man, but also from his own identity- this is echoed by the conversation that Pip has on the doorstep of Estella’s temporary Richmond residence later in the novel, where he is “told she had gone out to the country”, as the physical distance between them and also the distance in the simple concept of direct speech ally to further the sense of detachment between the two, as the letter does in equal measure in this case. However, almost paradoxically the letter also reaffirms in the reader and Pip’s mind his closeness to Joe and his true “home”, as the phrase “what larks” inextricably ties Pip into Joe and the “awful dull… forge window”, which despite metaphorically excluding himself from through this window, no amount of “cravats” or “hats” will shield Pip from what he is truly “meant” to be- a fact that “the Hercules in strength and weakness” realises, but Pip cannot. The cyclical form of the chapter also echoes the character of the forge and the idea that Joe’s order is there- order that opens the chapter with him safely there, a sheet of paper between them, and ends there, as he evades Pip both in sight and in mind, “I hurried out after him… but he was gone”.