Japanese Americans. It is best to examine the Issei, Nesei relationship by looking at the strongest one in John Okadas No-No Boy

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Francesca  Damato


Dr. Kordonowy

22 October 2010

Immigrants and Their Children:

Is a Cultural Difference Detrimental To The Well Being of 1st Generation Americans?

The hatred thrust upon the Japanese by other Americans during and immediately following World War II made it much more difficult for the Japanese to restore their pre-WWII lives. Japanese Americans were discriminated against based on their appearance alone and had to deal with a great deal of negativity from other raced Americans. However, it wasn’t just the white Americans that kept the Japanese down. In other words, the Japanese were also the root of their demise. Without looking at the effects the Japanese had on people within their own culture, it is impossible to fully understand the strength needed to begin a new, successful life postwar. Ichiro, for example, is a young Nisei with major internal conflict. His mother, a strict Issei, raised her children with as much Japanese influence as possible. This was an issue for many Japanese Americans. The young adults felt caught between their homeland (America) and their parents while their parents felt caught between their homeland (Japan) and their children. Nisei and Issei were two generations that were lost in translation; because of this, many Nisei, including Ichiro, felt lost and unable to escape from a dominant discourse (Ling 367).

It is best to examine the Issei, Nesei relationship by looking at the strongest one in John Okada’s No-No Boy. Throughout the text, Ichiro is plagued with guilt; he torments

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himself over choosing not to go to war, (making himself a “No-No” boy,) rather than a “Yes-Yes” boy. He looks at his mother in disgust, blaming her for his decision to turn away from America and pledge to Japan even though Ichiro knew he was far from being Japanese. In essence, he gave up his freedom of choice for his mother’s well-being. However, the underlying problem is not that Mama forced Ichiro to turn down war, (in the end, it truly was Ichiro’s decision.) Rather, it was Mama’s inability to allow America and its culture to enrich the life of her family. Instead of welcoming a new culture after having children, she shunned it assuming she would move back to her homeland of Japan. Because of this, she tried to raise her children as Japanese rather than as Americans thus making Ichiro feel as if he had no other choice but to turn down fighting in WWII. Although Mama had good intentions, her child rearing caused major internal conflicts within her children that reached new levels after the war:

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For me, you have been dead a long time, as long as I can remember. You, who

gave life to me and to Taro and tried to make us conform to a mold which never existed for us because we never knew of it, were never alive to us in the way that other sons and daughters know and feel and see their parents. But you made so many mistakes. It was a mistake to have ever left Japan. It was a mistake to leave Japan and to come to America and to have two sons and it was a ...

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