Lindsay Grazul

December 16, 2003

Dr. Michael Hanby


King Lear: A Transformation of Self

In King Lear, William Shakespeare traces one man’s discovery of his individual sinfulness and ignorance, and his eventual appreciation of his mortal flaws and their consequences.  Through the imagery of sight and eyes, Shakespeare details King Lear’s passage from initial blindness to the virtue, honesty, and love of Cordelia to the ultimate restoration of his vision through suffering and selfless love.  By illustrating the loss and gain of internal sight, as well as, detailing Lear’s transformation from egotistic pride to self-abandoning love, the reader is taught to assess reality in terms of truth within ourselves, rather than, mere appearance or monetary value.  

Lear’s tragic flaw is his excessive desire for approval and exaltation, which he looks to obtain by asking his three daughters to profess their love for him.  The two eldest daughters, Regan and Goneril, speaking with self-serving exaggeration, give Lear exactly what he desires, reverence and adoration.  However, Cordelia, his “most beloved daughter”, refuses to comply with Lear’s superficial desires.  Aware that love extends deeper than artificial compliments, Cordelia confesses her “plain” love, characterized by modesty and honesty.  “Then poor Cordelia!/ And not so, since I am sure my love’s/ More ponderous than my tongue…Unhappy that I am, I cannot heave/ My heart into my mouth.  I love your Majesty/ According to my bond, no more nor less” (I.i.79-81, 93-95). The king, enraged by her modest words, disowns her as “a barbarous/ Scythian” (I.i.117-118).  Blinded by pride and conceit, Lear refuses to acknowledge the painful truth about himself-the truth conveyed by Cordelia.  In reality, obviously, Cordelia is the only daughter who truly loves Lear with complete goodness.  In banishing Cordelia, the anger Lear displays, as well as, the punishment he inflicts are consequences of his blindness caused by pride and conceit.  Because of his pride, Lear sees vice within Cordelia and virtue within Regan and Goneril, where none exists.  

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Because Lear empties his entire kingdom, as well as, himself to the deceptive daughters that flatter him, rather than Cordelia, the honorable daughter, chaos descends on his kingdom.  The chaos in his kingdom and his internal turmoil are mirrored through the storm.  The storm, not only, echoes Lear’s inner turmoil but, also, forces him to recognize his own mortality and vulnerability.  Throughout the storm, the reader becomes increasingly aware of Lear’s transformation.  In the storm, Lear begins to abandon his arrogant persona and, finally, begins to cultivate a sense of humanity.  Rarely acknowledging the Fool, Lear begins to feel sympathy ...

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