Say what you have learned about the relationship between parents and children in the two poems and the extract. You should refer closely to the wording of the poems and may also wish to comment on your own experience.

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 Say what you have learned about the relationship between parents and children in the two poems and the extract. You should refer closely to the wording of the poems and may also wish to comment on your own experience.

  • Digging

The relationship between the man and his father is built on honour, envy and remembrance ‘By god, the old man could handle a spade’.

His father and grandfather had manual jobs, (worked physically) they didn’t work in an office, they didn’t work at a shop, they dug, which is what they made livings out of.

The poet admires the both of them for what they did for a living, he wasn’t embarrassed about what they did, he wasn’t ashamed of them, he admired them he envied them ‘The cold smell of potato mould, the squelch and slap of soggy peat, the curt cuts of an edge through living roots awaken in my head’.

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The poet remembers them by all the physical work that they did ‘Nicking and slicing neatly, heavy sods over his shoulder, going down and down for the good turf. Digging’.

The poet describes how they dug all of their lives, and then he states that he digs as well ‘Between my fingers and my thumb the squat pen rests. I’ll dig with it’.

  • Poem at thirty-nine

The poets relationship with her father is based on help and advise and knowledge ‘He taught me that telling the truth…’.

She describes problems and conflicts in there relationship ...

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