The comparison of Charles Dickens 'A Christmas carol' and Steven king's 'The Shining'

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The comparison of Charles Dickens ‘A Christmas carol’ and Steven king’s ‘The Shining’

Charles Dickens and Steven king lived in different times in history.  In comparing my chosen texts I found interesting comparisons, similarities and differences in the social, cultural and historical issues, which I shall explain.

       ‘A Christmas carol’ was written in 1843, probably for children to teach them not to grow up to be as spiteful as the main character in the novel. the main character, Ebenezer Scrooge, is haunted by three spirits who are sent to help him change his ways and become kinder to everyone.  The book is set in London on Christmas Eve.  Christmas seemed to be an important occasion for everyone; even if they are poor they still insist on enjoying Christmas, ‘though it has never put a scrap of silver… …god bless it!’  This was probably because cultures didn’t really mix then, so there were few other religions in England, and almost everyone celebrated Christmas.

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       ‘The Shining’ is also set around Christmas over one hundred years later, but Christmas isn’t so important for this family, as in the book you never hear about Christmas day, only the time before and after the date.  There is only three in the family, unlike in dickens’s time the families were bigger, so this may be why the family doesn’t celebrate much.  When Steven King wrote this novel Christmas had become a lot more commercialised, where as in the time dickens wrote his novel Christmas was strictly a religious festival.  Also, what must be taken into ...

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