What and when was the Harlem Renaissance? The Harlem Renaissance was more than just a literary movement: it included racial consciousness, "the back to Africa" movement led by Marcus Garvey, racial integration

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The Harlem Renaissance

What and when was the Harlem Renaissance?

1919-1934 (After WW I to the Middle of Great Depression)

The Harlem Renaissance was more than just a literary movement: it included racial consciousness, "the back to Africa" movement led by Marcus Garvey, racial integration, the explosion of music particularly jazz, spirituals and blues, painting, dramatic revues, and others.

The Renaissance was originally called "The New Negro Movement."  African-Americans were encouraged to celebrate their heritage and to become "The New Negro," a term coined in 1925 by sociologist and critic Alain LeRoy Locke.

Harlem is vicious

Modernism. BangClash.

Vicious the way it's made,

Can you stand such beauty.

So violent and transforming.

--Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones)

Harlem was the “largest Negro ghetto in the world”

(E. Johnson 11).

The Negro’s “métier is agriculture.  To this economy his mental and social habits have been adjusted.  No elaborate equipment is necessary for the work of the farm.  Life is organized on a simple plan looking to a minimum of wants and a rigid economy of means.  The incomplex gestures of unskilled manual labor and even domestic service; the broad, dully sensitive touch of body and hands trained to groom and nurse the soil, develop distinctive physical habits and a musculature appropriate to simple processes.  Add to this groundwork of occupational habits the social structure in which the Southern rural Negro is cast, his inhibitions, repressions and cultural poverty, and the present city Negro becomes more intelligible.  – from “Black Workers and the City, by Charles S. Johnson.  Published in Opportunity (Wintz 113).

Why did the Harlem Renaissance begin and end?

Reasons it begin:

Disenchanted African American soldiers – they were segregated, poorly trained, and were not accorded hero status upon their return.  Even worse, they returned to little or no economic opportunities (Rodgers 3).

Racial unrest stemming from lynchings in the South and race riots in 25 cities in 1919.

Remarkable coincidences and luck provided a sizable chunk of real estate in the heart of Manhattan.

The Black migration, from south to north, changed their image from rural to urban, from peasant to sophisticate.  From 1890-1910, Negroes in the South increased by nearly 2 million, while in the North, by about 325,000.  From 1910 to 1930, Negroes in the North increased by 1.4 million, while the Southern increase was about 600,000 (Jackson and Rubin 39-40).

Harlem became a crossroads where Blacks interacted with and expanded their contacts internationally.

Harlem Renaissance profited from a spirit of self-determination, which was widespread after W.W.I.

The notion of "twoness," a divided awareness of one's identity, was introduced by W.E.B. Du Bois, one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the author of the influential book The Souls of Black Folks (1903): "One ever feels his two-ness - an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled stirrings: two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder."

Marcus Garvey pushed for a “Back to Africa” movement.

W. E. B. Du Bois sought social justice and advocated higher education.

The Great Migration started around 1916, when cheap immigrant labor stopped because of the Great War, and Blacks moved into Harlem to fill job openings.  

Alain Locke published The New Negro in 1925.

Shuffle Along, a musical, played in 1921.

Sponsors helped Blacks get published and recognized (they called it primitivism).  

Reasons it ended:

Great Depression eliminated funding from patrons

Closing of businesses during Depression

Jim Crow Laws

Rise of the KKK again

Who were the major players of the Harlem Renaissance?


Patronage, or patronizing?

Carl Van Vechten (1880-1964) – evokes strong emotion from whites and Blacks today.  Hurston called him “the first Negrotarian” (Kellner 129)).  He wrote Nigger Heaven (1926) – brought white readers and money into Harlem, but he may have used some of his friends a little too liberally in the novel.  

Albert Barnes (1872-1951) Millionaire art collector – today, the Barnes Foundation has over 200 works of Negro art in its collection.  Barnes published an article in 1925 in the Survey Graphic about “distinctively Negro art in America.”  His main focus and help with Blacks was his art school, where he offered scholarships to Black artists who showed promise.  If there is a criticism to be made of Barnes, it might be that he was dedicated to African art, rather than African-American art.


Charlotte Mason (1854-1946) was made a character in several novels by Black writers – she “owned” Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Claude McKay, and Alain Locke (Kellner 124).  Mason was controlling, but generous.  She was the consummate primitivist.  Here is a nice site about Mason and Hughes:  

Joel, Amy, and Arthur Springarn (1878-1971).  They all helped found the NAACP – Joel (1875-1939) edited his paper, the Amenia Times.  He was President of the NAACP from 1919-1940, when he died.  Amy sponsored contests with good cash prizes for poetry and short stories.  In the September, 1924 Crisis, Amy Springarn’s cash donation of $300 for prizes for literary and possible artistic contributions is announced in a letter from her (Wintz 317).  Arthur gave money for prizes mainly to painters.  

William Harmon (1862-1928) – philanthropist and real estate magnate.  Founded the Harmon Foundation in 1922, and started giving prizes for the Black arts.  By 1925, he was awarding a gold medal and $400 for his yearly first place award.  Second place received a bronze medal and $100 (E. Johnson 20).  He also sponsored exhibitions for individual and groups of Black artists.

White business owners comprised 95% of all Harlem nightclubs ownership (Schwarz 9).  It may seem great that these places allowed for Black expression and helped establish a Renaissance environment, but the money earned at these places was drained from the community.  Also, there were tables designated “White Only,” so that whites could observe Black exotics.  Schwarz quotes Langston Hughes as saying, “Harlem nights became show nights for the Nordics” (9).


Poets, short story writers and novelists –

Helene Johnson (1906-1995) – Johnson was the co-founder of the avant-garde journal Fire!!  A Quarterly Devoted to the Younger Negro Artists, with Zora Neale Hurston, with whom she was very good friends (Mitchell 17).  Like many of the Black poets of the time, she had to work and had little time to write and publish; Johnson last published poetry in 1935, two years after her marriage (she died in 1995).  Here is a snippet of Johnson poetry, addressed to young migrants, newly arrived to Harlem:

                You are disdainful and magnificent-

                Your perfect body and your pompous gait,

                Your dark eyes flashly solemnly with hate;

                Small wonder that you are incompetent

                To imitate those whom you so despise—(ix).

        Johnson won 2nd and 4th place in the third and final poetry contest sponsored by Opportunity in 1927.  Johnson also wrote short stories and was considered by many, including Langston Hughes and the influential Richard Bruce Nugent, to be an emerging novelist.  She attended college at Boston University and Columbia, although she never earned a degree.  Her most famous poems are “Magalu” and “Sonnet to a Negro in Harlem.”  

Arna Wendell Bontemps (1902-1973) - grew up in California and graduated from Pacific Union College. After college he taught in Harlem at the height of the Harlem Renaissance, and in 1926 and 1927 won first prizes on three separate occasions in contests with other "New Negro" poets.  His first published work was God Sends Sunday (1931), about a jockey named Little Augie.  This tiny black jockey of the 1890s, whose period of great luck went sour, was based on Bontemps's own uncle.  Bontemps collaborated with Langston Hughes, writing Popo and Fifina: Children of Haiti (1932), a travel book for juveniles.  He wrote several juvenile books with Hughes, perhaps the first of that genre.  

Countee Cullen (1903-1946) – First book of poetry, Color, was published in 1925.  According to Gerald Early, author of My Soul’s High Song, Cullen was a “boy wonder,” “who embodied many of the hopes, aspirations, and maturing expressive possibilities of his people” (4).  Early says that Cullen was “more than any other presence of the time, including Langston Hughes” (22).  Cullen won more literary prizes than any other black author in the 20’s, and was only the second black to earn a Guggenheim.  Cullen married W.E.B. DuBois’s daughter, a marriage that lasted a little over a year.  Cullen wrote the following for the February 10, 1924 Brooklyn Eagle:

If I am going to be a poet at all, I am going to be POET and not NEGRO POET. This is what has hindered the development of artists among us. Their one note has been the concern with their race. That is all very well, none of us can get away from it. I cannot at times. You will see it in my verse. The consciousness of this is too poignant at times. I cannot escape it. But what I mean is this: I shall not write of Negro subjects for the purpose of propaganda. That is not what a poet is concerned with. Of course, when the emotion rising out of the fact that I am a Negro is strong, I express it. But that is another matter.

Jackson and Ruben say that Cullen and McKay were not good “New Negroes,” for reasons like the quote above (51).  Cullen published three very good volumes of poetry, (9 total) but little of great worth after 1930.  He was multitalented and worked as an assistant editor to Charles Johnson for Opportunity.


Marion Vera Cuthbert (1896-1989) – an essayist who wrote,

The Negro constitutes one-tenth of the total population of the United States. All hope that he would die out as a group is gone, the 1930 census reporting that he has a birth rate in the excess of the whites. Even with health conditions among the worst in the country he seems able to resist sufficiently those encroachments of disease that will ultimately wipe him out, and with increasing knowledge of sanitation, hygiene and a better economic foundation upon which to build he will probably hold his own for the immediate years. While the percentage of mixed bloods is high, varying in estimates from 40 to 80 per cent, there is no possibility that he will lose his physical identity and merge with the present population in the near future, although amalgamation of some sort is doubtless inevitable for the coming centuries.  “The Negro Today.”  Church and Society (January 1932): 1-2.

Alice Dunbar-Nelson (1875-1935) – married to Paul Dunbar for four years, but published on her own before, during, and after their marriage.  Dunbar-Nelson addressed issues that confronted African-Americans and women of her time.  In 1915, she served as field organizer for the woman's suffrage movement for the Middle Atlantic states; she was later field representative for the Woman's Committee of the Council of Defense in 1918 and, in 1924, she campaigned for the passage of the Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill.  In 1917, she published her poetry in the NAACP's Crisis, Ebony and Topaz, and the Urban League's Opportunity.  Countee Cullen also included three of her poems, "I Sit and I Sew," "Snow in October," and "Sonnet," in his collection, Caroling Dusk (1927).  In 1920, Dunbar-Nelson edited and published The Dunbar Speaker and Entertainer, a literary and news magazine directed toward a black audience.  Like most Black writers of her time, she had to work, and could not focus solely on her writing.  

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Jessie Redmon Fauset (1882-1961) - Novelist, poet, short story writer, biographer, essayist, and literary critic.  Faucet was the literary editor of the Crisis from 1919-1926; she published three important novels.  Here is an example of Fauset’s poetry:

                “La Vie C'est la Vie”

On summer afternoons I sit

Quiescent by you in the park,

And idly watch the sunbeams gild

And tint the ash-trees' bark.

Or else I watch the squirrels frisk

And chaffer in the grassy lane;

And all the while I mark your voice

Breaking with love and pain.

I know a woman who would give


This is a preview of the whole essay